Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Books from 1965

Today's list prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish is... FREEBIE! So, I wanted to do something very self-centered since my birthday is coming up this next week. I vetoed everything I thought of until I thought of listing popular books the year I was born. I liked that idea! (But just promise me don't do the math, you already know I'm old, let's leave it at that!)

Top Ten Most Popular Books in 1965
(according to Wikepedia, complete with their links intact)

The Source by James A. Michener
Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman
Herzog by Saul Bellow
The Looking Glass War by John le Carré
The Green Berets by Robin Moore
Those Who Love by Irving Stone
The Man with the Golden Gun by Ian Fleming
Hotel by Arthur Hailey
The Ambassador by Morris West
Don't Stop the Carnival by Herman Wouk

Or perhaps you'd rather this list:

The New York Times FICTION Best Seller List.... Week of November 14, 1965
(not my birthday date, but the week of)

1 THE SOURCE, by James Michener.
2 UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE, by Bel Kaufman.
3 AIRS ABOVE THE GROUND, by Mary Stewart.
4 THOSE WHO LOVE, by Irving Stone.
5 THE GREEN BERETS, by Robin Moore.
6 HOTEL, by Arthur Hailey.
7 THE HONEY BADGER, by Robert Ruark.
8 THOMAS, by Shelley Mydans.
10 THE RABBI, by Noah Gordon. 

I haven't read a one... NOT A ONE!! I'd like to read The Source, Up the Down Staircase, The Looking Glass War, Hotel, Those Who Love... for starters.

Have you read any? Do you recommend any them? Which one do you suggest I for sure add to the TBR pile? What books were popular the year you were born? Go on, look it up and then come tell me!


  1. Happy birthday, Suey! I've actually never even heard of any of these books, let alone read them. You really must be old :)

  2. Happy early birthday! I consulted Google and was led to a Goodreads list. The top 3 books published the year I was born were: Beloved by Toni Morrison, Misery by Stephen King, and Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. I've actually read Hatchet - it was read to us in class when I was in grade 5 or 6 and I hated having to wait for the teacher to read it every day so I got it from the library and finished it myself! Crazy reader, even then :)

    1. Kaley: Thanks for sharing! I've actually never read Hatchet, not sure why. I did read Beloved though.. weird one.

    2. I remember liking it when I was younger but I don't know if I would now...I've heard so much about Beloved while not really knowing what it's about. I'm also definitely going to stay away from King *shudders* :)

  3. I haven't read any either! Great idea for a list, how fun. Have a great birthday!

  4. Replies
    1. Kelley: Cool, we can be old together here with all these young book bloggers! Hey, did you like any of the ones you read?

  5. I just checked out my birth year list: Pet Semetary and Return of the Jedi were on it (not that I've read them.) It's okay though. I shall always remember that Billie Jean was the #1 song on March 22, 1983. Every time it comes on I get down with my gloved self and tell everyone in the room that it was #1 the day I was born.

    1. Words: Ah Billie Jean! Love it! I wonder what song was number one when I was born? Hmmm.... okay, just looked it up, one site says "Get Off of My Cloud" by the Rolling Stones! Yippee!

  6. Interesting topic! I have never heard of any of those books...

    I'll play along by adding one. Adult Fiction Best Seller from my birthday month in 1979 - Sophie's Choice by William Styron. Huh....never heard of that either. lol

    New follower.

    Check out my TTT

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. Holly: I've never read Sophie's Choice but I think I've seen parts of the movie. Heart breaking!!

  7. Happy early birthday! Don't feel bad--I checked, and I haven't read any of the books on the NYT bestseller list for the week I was born, either! And at least one of them is something I probably should have read already, as a Stephen King fan (Christine).

    1. Kelly: Sounds like you better add that to your pile!

  8. What an awesome list idea! Happy early birthday :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  9. What a creative freebie top ten post! I haven't even heard of any of those books... :) I totally want to do this for my birth year now.

    Happy Birthday next week!

    1. Jessica: I hope you do, it's quite interesting. :)

  10. That is a fun idea!

    Happy early birthday.

    I have not read any of these. The one on the list I am most likely to read is the Ian Fleming novel as I've been making my way through the 007 books slowly over the last few years.

    1. Carl: Thanks! I've never read an Ian Fleming novel....

  11. I'm really old...was 12 when you were born. I've read "The Source" which is very long, but quite interesting. It's about an archeological dig in Israel with alternating chapters going back to the time in the layer they uncover. "Hotel" is one of those grand soap-opera-like novels of which "Airport" is another one. I know there was a movie made of it; now it would probably be turned into a mini-series or even a weekly show. (In fact, maybe it was!) I remember liking it but not much else. Hope this helps.

    1. Donna: Someone is older than me? Wahoo! I mean... cool... I mean... :) The Source does sound interesting. I've read one other James Michner book that I loved, but I've never had the push to try another one...

  12. fun post! great idea. I haven't read any on your list or mine. coincidentally, James A. Michener was in the #1 slot of Publisher's Weekly's most popular books in 1978 for his novel 'Chesapeake,' and Herman Wouk was on there too, for 'War and Remembrance,' but he was up to the #2 slot by then.


  13. I've read Up the Down Staircase and enjoyed it. I don't think I've ever encountered another reader familiar with it- aside from a high school friend who disliked it- so I'd be interested to see what you think of that one! It's been over fifteen years since I read it; maybe I need to open my old copy and refresh my memory of it.
