Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Musings

I saw this fun format for musings on Deanna's Polishing Mudballs site last week and thought I'd steal it give it a try now and then for a Sunday post. These thoughts are Saturday night real time, but you won't see them until Sunday. Let me know if you think it's worth doing again for future posts.

Outside my window: It is gray and dreary, and oh so very cold.

I am listening to: The Fugitive, which is on the TV at the moment, even though no one is watching it. One awesome movie though.

I am thinking: that I really should be reading instead of computering. I've got so many piles waiting for me!

I am grateful for: health, even though I have issues with weight, at least I'm healthy!

I am reading: The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, the Wheel of Time series, book five! Whew! I am just past page 600 of 960 pages. It takes time, but is also flying by. I have many observations and am anxious to post random thoughts in a review hopefully this week.

I am photographing: myself reading for a Weekly Geek self portrait to be posted soon. Come on over and join us, you know you want to! I am also pondering a new, creative bookish profile post. It's time for a change.

I am listing: things I am looking forward to this year!

I am creating: a science fair project with Toto, sixth grade daughter. All week we've been recruiting people willing to do 50 stomach crunches a day for a month, with waist measurements given every week.... to see if crunches really work! We have about 15 people on board and we're off with the experiment! It's going to be interesting.

On my iPod: I just downloaded and added the Tron soundtrack today. Oh my. I love it. I made a YouTube playlist of this stuff so if you want to have a listen, click here.

To live my faith: I plan on going to church as usual!

I am hoping and praying: that my sister-in-law survives her grief and hangs in there until she can breathe again.

Around the house: I have cleaned up Christmas and organized a few little corners, including a laptop space for myself.

From the kitchen: not much is happening. The kids just made Bagel Bites! I'm trying not to think about food at the moment, you know. I would love to make what's happening in the kitchen more enjoyable. If you have suggestions, let me know.

One of my favorite things: is really loud visually cool movies. Yes, we finally saw Tron last night, and it was impressive, special effect-wise. And loud. And I loved it.

The children this week: will be busy as usual. Next Saturday could be interesting since one kid has conflicting band gigs. I hope we get through it without too many issues.

Plans for the week: to go to work, to finish Fires then start some new books, to go to a birthday party on Friday and band gigs on Saturday, to shuttle kids here and there, do stomach crunches every day (along with regular exercising,) and to have a good attitude through it all!

On this date: in 2008 I posted my TBR shelf, which looks the same today, just different books. In 2009 I posted a rambling post, which it was fun to see what I was rambling about two years ago, and in 2010 I posted about all the fun I was having with Bloggiesta AND other things that day, including seeing Shannon Hale! Ah, that was a fun day. I can't believe it's been a year already.


  1. I LOVE this new format - and may steal, or try it myself :)

    The science fair project sounds terrific. Perhaps I will try that myself - 50 crunches in 30 days - and see if I notice a difference. It certainly couldn't hurt.

    I hope you have a great week!

  2. Oh, what a great format! It made the whole experience so much fun...

    I'm going to check out those links!

    Here's my salon:

  3. Like this format. 3-column works for me.

    I have started a weekly feature on Sunday, Sharing Poetry With You, where I would be sharing any poem that has made an impact on my. It could be a classic one or a contemporary one, and anything in between. Today's Sunday Salon is all about that. Do check out what poem I share today by clicking on Sunday Salon: Sharing Poetry With you. You are invited to give your thoughts on the poem posted. In one word or many words..your choice!

  4. Looks good. Both the new format and this feature you started. I also went to church. :) Yay, us!

  5. This was a fun post to read! I've always enjoyed reading what others read in past years so my favorite part was seeing what you posted in past years. Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

  6. I love this format and the glimpse into your life. I am going to steal it for today, okay? Can't wait to see you picture!

  7. Hey Molly! If you want to REALLY participate, send me your measurements (and age) and we'll add you to the list! :)

    Laurel-Rain: Glad you enjoyed!

    Gautami: Sounds fun!

    Unfinished: Yay us for sure!

    Samantha: I'll have to bounce back to the past a little more often I guess. I like it too. Very fun.

    Kim: I'll have to go see what you ended up posting....

  8. Okay---you got me!! I'm hooked. What an easy and a good way to post tonight. Like all good teachers, I'm going to borrow this, if I may.

    I would like to participate in the crunches (if I can remember how to do them!!)Let me know if I'm eligible!

  9. Inside: We would LOVE for you to participate in the crunches! We just need you to email me your measurement and age.... I know, not fun, but yep, that's the project! And then my daughter will put you on her email list for daily reminders. Cool. You have my email already, right?

  10. Okay Suey...I think you should continue to do this type of post. As you know, I like this format, but I should tell you...I love reading this type post from others more than writing them myself. It was fun reading tid-bits from you!
