This week for Weekly Geeks we are asked if after the fabulous, crazy week last week that we called BBAW, do we feel blogger overload? And why do we even put ourselves through this blogging business? In fact unfinishedperson even goes on to say: Why? Why? Why? :)
I feel tired, but not burned out. Actually, I feel quite a bit enthused, and pumped up and ready to commit to a bigger and better blogging experience! Hmmm... maybe it won't last very long, but that's how I feel after this past week.
I started the week a bit sad. It seemed like every blog but mine was at least nominated for one of the awards. BUT... then the love-fest of last Monday happened, and I decided that even if I'm not nominated for anything, there's still people out there who enjoy coming here to read, and that's really all that matters.
And even though we all say we are in it just for ourselves, or to simply get the word out about books, or to keep track of lists, it's still been fun this week to see the little stat numbers go up. Welcome to all you new readers, and I hope you keep coming back!
I'm looking forward to trying new things with the blog. Fixing that ugly header, possibly changing up my whole color scheme, updating the blog roll, adding to the features. I hope to participate in the readathon this year, and to participate in many other events that are being talked about here and there.
I'm happy that after two and a half years, this is all still fun. So in answer to the question above... Why? Why why why? That's it... because it's fun. It's an outlet I need. It's a community I love. It's a worthwhile endeavor. It makes me happy, and I plan to keep right on "soldiering on!"
I want you to know that one of two things happened: either I discovered your blog after I submitted my nominations, or I nominated you for something. I can't remember any of the categories I nominated people for except best YA and best design, but I've loved your blog from the moment I found it so if I knew you then, I did nominate you. I feel a bit stupid because I can't remember when we connected OR when they called for nominations. :D I sort of wish I'd kept track...but you deserve nominations! I will definitely be nominated you for something next year. :D
ReplyDeleteI wish I had written down who I nominated who for what, but I can't remember either. You've got a lot of great features and I look forward to always seeing what you've posted.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I'm excited for the read-a-thon too!
ReplyDeleteThe readathon is one thing I haven't managed to participate in so far. I enjoyed BBAW, getting around to new blogs etc but for me it was a doubly stressful week as I was running an Agatha Christie blog tour as wlel, and that continues for part of this week, so no rest just yet. I combined my Weekly Geeks post with my Sunday salon one this week, but it didn't really lighten the load. It is here
ReplyDeleteI was nominated for Best Concise and I am glad I wasn't short listed because I had wanted to withdraw. I truly do not want any kind of awards for my efforts. Interacting with bloggers is reward for me.
ReplyDeleteWeekly Geeks: Why/What makes us go on?
I am having a bit of overload this morning... I don't check my google reader over the weekend and the result today was over 170 new posts! ACK!!
ReplyDeleteI'm still playing catch up with BBAW posts so it doesn't feel over yet for me. LOL
ReplyDeleteWith the change of my template, my husband and I forgot to set up the stats counter, so I haven't a clue if my stats went up last week or not. Talk about bad timing. :-S It's probably better that I don't know, eh?
I agree, blogging is fun. I enjoy being a part of this great community. :-)