Sunday, May 24, 2015

Currently: It's a Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Listening: Smoke and Mirrors album by Imagine Dragons. Love.

Watching: I started Daredevil. Yeah. Good. You're all right. It's very good. Dark. But good. In a dark good kind of way. You know. And. Charlie Cox. :)

Reading: From now until the trip I'm going to read random things off my shelves. What a concept. First off, Twenty Boy Summer. Yeah. See, it's been awhile since that book was the buzz! And then while on the trip, I'm going to read random things off my Kindle. I can't wait to see what pops up there! And then in August, I'm going to read so many local author books it'll make your head spin.

Blogging: You know. I look at my blog and it just makes me tired. Maybe the little mini Bloggiesta coming up in THREE WEEKS will kick something back in gear. But then I'll just go on the trip anyway, so it won't matter. Maybe after the trip the blogging mojo will come back. Do you think? Oh, and this week is ArmchairBEA! I hope to participate a bit, but like I said. I don't know. I feel like I'm starting to run out of things to say. Sad sad sad!

Writing: I FINISHED MY BOOK! By that, I mean I finally wrote the 2000 words that it needed at the end to make the story complete. Or sort of complete. In a really cheesy sort of way. But. still. Done. And now, I continue working on draft three knowing that the book actually has an ending and when I get there. . . again. . . I can fix it.

Planning: TRIP TRIP TRIP! I've started the countdown big time. Three more weeks. I skyped my son today. He's in Paris at this very moment. Ah. That city. I can't even. But we'll be experiencing new and different cities and I hope they blow me away as much as Paris did. I really hope those of you that follow me on Instagram will be okay with lots of trip pics, because I plan to be less shy about that. I think there's a fine line there and I worry about that a lot. But. There will be pics. Which I hope is fun and not obnoxious.

Health Watch: I did the Zumba thing for four days this week. Then the weekend (including Friday) hit and it's been bad. But. Still, Even with the discouragement of the stupid scale, I keep on keeping on. I think because it's too much fun really. And besides. There's Beto.

Doesn't just watching that make you want to get up and dance with 'em?

But then I made.. banana chocolate cake, banana brownies, cinnamon monkey bread and now I'm eating ice cream. So there's that problem still.

Gardening: We planted some more stuff this weekend. Beans, peas, lettuce, beets. Already planted previously: tomatoes, peppers, squash (two kinds) and some herbs. I'm always amazed every year when anything at all grows. We'll see what happens this year!


  • lots and lots of concerts and violin things this past week. Most of that is over now.
  • book club for Dune this past week. Fun!
  • movie watch for Dune this Friday!
  • Memorial Day tomorrow. SLEEP IN!
  • Lots and lots of rain. It's like we don't even live in the desert or something. 
  • Prep for trek for Toto in a week from now. Can that really be here already?
  • And, that's all I can think of for now. Life. It's crazy you know?


  1. I can't wait for all your fun Instagram vacation photos. I've never been to Europe, so I enjoy traveling vicariously through you :)

    1. Susan: Oh good. I mean, that you sort of look forward to them!

  2. Congrats on finishing your book! That's huge. I always sucked at actually finishing a first draft. Sigh!
    I can't wait for your vacation pictures. I don't think I'll be going anywhere fun for years so I'll live vicariously through you.

    1. Jenny: You'll go someday though! And you HAVE been too! :)

  3. I hear ya on blogging, obviously:). Your trip is going to be awesome! I'm excited for the photos, but I might have to join Instagram first (a little behind the times...)

  4. I know what how you feel on blogging. It does feel that way sometimes. I often feel like I have some much to say at one time and nothing to say at others. I wish it was more consistent. And, even right now with having so much to say/participate in, I feel tired a little. It seems like it takes too much time and I wonder if it's really worth it. But, then I realize that I've tried to stop and I just can't. I like it too much. It's a love/hate relationship.

    1. Jenni: I'm usually okay, but it's getting to me lately. :(

  5. So jealous of your trip - what fun! Congrats on finishing the book! I would think that would make the reworking easier, knowing where you're ultimately going.
