Monday, May 25, 2015

Book Review Discussion: Paranoia by J.R. Johansson

Book: Paranoia by J.R. Johansson
Genre: YA SciFi
Rating:★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
For: Fun, Support Local Authors
From: I bought this one, but I can't remember where!

Short Synopsis: This is the second book in the Night Walker series about Parker who is a Watcher, which means he watches the dreams of whoever he makes eye contact with last before he goes to sleep. Much craziness happened with that in the first book. This second book is more about his struggle with an alter ego part of himself he calls Darkness. It's also about how he learns there are others out there that live inside people's dreams called Builders (the good ones) and Takers (the bad ones.) This one also deals with the disappearance of his dad that he alludes to in the first book.

My Response: I must say that the plot and the details of this dream world got a bit complicated for me in this book. To the point of not really caring. The Takers especially, I just didn't get what their deal was. Even though they are the crux of the conflict in this story. I was more in it for the romance, how the Builders can help Parker and finding out what's up with the dad. So, that being said, I liked some parts and was a little bored by other parts.

Bottom Line: A fun scifi story, bordering on horror even, that deals with the hard to understand dream world.

Let's Talk About: What would you think if someone sat around and watched your dreams? Isn't that the creepiest idea ever? I mean, Parker has to spend time often in his mom's dreams! Think of it!

Other Reviews:

 There's suspense everywhere, and quite a lot of danger and action, too. The pacing is great, and I just really, really enjoyed the book.  From City of Books

I loved getting to know the secondary characters better–Addie, Finn, Mia, and now Jack too. They added a lot to the story and to Parker’s motives. From Jenni Elyse

Every character in this story is so well developed that it's hard to pick a favorite. I do have to say that I was intrigued by the character Jack. I was THRILLED to see what the author is doing with this character. From Why Not? Because I Said So

The later chapters are filled with action, emotion and apprehension, and we reach the story’s end with a sense of finality, although I would really like to follow Jack’s story. From All in One Place


  1. I'm sad that the second one got a little too confusing but I've still got to try this series, I'm thinking.

  2. I agree; having someone sit and watch my dreams would be super creepy! Actually, watching my own dreams is creepy enough sometimes. I don't need someone else to join in. :-)
