Sunday, March 8, 2015


Listening: I know I'm a little slow to the party, but I discovered Hozier this past week or two. I especially love Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene:

Watching: Survivor, Walking Dead, Amazing Race and Arrow. All the things I'm watching. I did finish up season one of The 100 on Netflix and.. OH. MY. WORD! Didn't season two just end on live TV? Here's hoping they all show up on Netflix soon. Though I've already been spoiled for a certain thing that I know happens that makes me just crazy in the thinking about :(

Reading: I finished up the Selection trilogy by reading The One this week. That ended with stuff I wasn't expecting! Then we decided to bag Winter's Tale for book club and read Wonder instead. So I devoured that in just a couple of days. Awesome. A much better choice for a book club book!

Writing: Ah. Yeah. So. I did manage about 1000 words toward my ending chapter, but they are awful words! Still trying to think about what else should happen to end this story!

Blogging: Some how, I'm still thinking of all sorts of things to blog about! How does this happen? I still need people to do a challenge for Bloggiesta. Will it be you? PA- LEEZE? My 8th bloggiversary is coming up in a week. I have no plans for any huge celebrations, but I may do a "remember this" sort of post. Hmmm...we'l see.

Eating: I made these cookies to take to family events today. Stuffed S'more Cookies. As you can seem, some of them had their stuffing leak!

Lasagna is in the crock pot right this very now, which we'll be eating in just a few minutes. And... I fell in love with a German gingerbread cake thing that I made for a party at work. Oh! And we went out to dinner last night to a Lebanese restaurant. YUMMY! And they had belly dancers too! LOL.

Crafting: I don't even think I stepped foot into my craft room this week. Or the week before that for that matter. Maybe even the week before that too!

  • It snowed a little this week, but then it turned gorgeous again.
  • Went to a another gig last night at a place called The Loading Dock, which was really and truly on a loading dock!
  • Trying to figure some stuff out that's causing me ulcers. If it ever gets figured out, I'll share then!
  • Well, I can't think of anything else to report, so I'm off to go visit family! TTYL!


  1. I saw on Facebook those cookies. They look so good. Let's hope they taste as good as they look.

  2. Those cookies look so good! <3 Bee @ Bee Reads Books

    1. Bee: They were pretty awesome. The kids inhaled them.

  3. Those cookies look delicious! And yay for 1,000 words - that's 1,000 more words than I wrote on my WIPs this past week :)

    1. Belle: 1000 words that I'll probably delete!

  4. Oh my goodness, you're eating so many great things!

  5. Those cookies look yummy! And now I'm curious about the German gingerbread cake. Love gingerbread! I'd love to help you out with challenges, but for the life of me I can't think of anything! Good luck!

    Hope you figure out what's causing the ulcers and get things under control. Take care of yourself!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. Terri: If you think of something (regarding Bloggiesta) let me know. I can add you anytime.

  6. So much going on! Those cookies look simply amazing, and I can't WAIT for Bloggiesta!
