Monday, March 9, 2015

Book Review Discussion: The One by Kiera Cass

Book: The One by Kiera Cass
Genre: YA Dystopian
For: Fun
From: The library

Short Synopsis: The selection is down to four girls by the time this book starts. America is pretty convinced she loves the prince, but is still not totally sure. They start playing the game of who is going to tell whom "I love you" first. It's a little bit silly. . .until it's not and things suddenly get serious.

My Response: Again, I'm fascinated by how much I've enjoyed this series. It's mostly fluff and all about the love triangle and making one look one's best in order to make someone fall in love with you. But then again, if you go a little deeper, there's so much more to it. I guess it's a tricky thing balancing this fluffy seeming story on top of a society and a world siuation that is anything but fluff. The crazy ending came out of nowhere and I think my eyes bulged out of my head a bit! I was worried there weren't enough pages to solve everything! But somehow it did and in the end, I felt that this was a great ending book. I especially loved how, even though we pretty much knew how things would end (I mean, the title of the book, hello!) we still weren't sure until all was said and done!

Bottom Line: Great dystopian series that mixes the fun with the serious!

Let's Talk About: So here's what I'm wondering today... how important is it to you that you not know what's going to happen at the end of a book? I wondered about this throughout this whole series given the fact that it was all pretty obvious. I figured somehow readers weren't bugged by that. And I wondered the whole time how the author would keep us reading even though we knew! Yeah, I find it to be a pretty cool feat that she pulled off! What do you think?

Other Reviews:

Speaking of character deaths, I didn’t realize how invested I had really become with the story and the characters until I found myself sobbing over them. The deaths hurt as much as the deaths did in The Hunger Games, and I think that’s saying something. From Drunk on Pop

So, even though The One didn’t totally live up to my expectations (sigh), this series is still one of the most engaging stories I’ve ever read and I will always hold the first book on a pedestal. From The Obsessive Bookseller

There were so many tense scenes, that made this final book in America’s story so gripping. The One is probably one of the best conclusions I have read so far! From Heart Full of Books

I will also admit that this book really surprised me at the end! From Girl in the Pages


  1. My grand daughter loves this series. I think she's read it three times.

  2. I haven't read these or added them to my TBR list because I have a sneaking suspicion I won't like them. What do you think?

    And I'm okay knowing how a story is going to end if I'm interested enough in characters and plot.

  3. I haven't read these or added them to my TBR list because I have a sneaking suspicion I won't like them. What do you think?

    And I'm okay knowing how a story is going to end if I'm interested enough in characters and plot.

  4. I have had these on my TBR list for a while now and have started downloading them. I planned to read them next year but might just have to move them up on my agenda ;)

  5. I haven't read this yet, but the combination of fluff and serious seems like it could make for a fun reading experience. In this book, it seems like the ending was obvious, but finding out how you get there could still be a fun ride.
