Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mini Bloggiesta! February 2-3!

February 2-3

Hey everyone! We've decided to try having a MINI Bloggiesta and see how that goes!

Our main Bloggiesta is planned for late March (I think... now I can't remember the exact dates!) but in the meantime, we know that so many bloggers are anxious to work on their blogs more often than twice a year. And especially when the new year rolls over, it seems everyone is ready to jump in and "do stuff!"

So, after feedback from last time, we decided to have a mini Bloggiesta event. It's going to be two weeks from now on February 2 and 3, just for the two days of the weekend. We'll only have a handful of challenges (though we will link to past challenges and you can work on anything we've done before!) and probably only one Twitter party.

But we'll still plan on working together, encouraging and helping each other through Twitter and posts. We'll have "to do list" sign up links over on our shiny new Bloggiesta page (have you visited yet?) so you can see who else is participating and visit everyone. And if you are new to Bloggiesta and have no idea what I'm talking about, click on over to our About page where all is explained!

So, start thinking about your to do lists and stay tuned for further details! I hope lots of you will be able to participate! OLE!!!


  1. Sounds like a great idea! I always learn something new during Bloggiesta, so am looking forward to it!

  2. If work freaking slows down it would be fun to participate. I'll just have to see what happens.
