Sunday, January 20, 2013

Currently: Mini Readathons Are Sweet

C  U  R  R  E  N  T  L  Y
(as written on Saturday evening)

Listening: to lots of stuff on Spotify, which I only recently figured out. Wow, that thing is like magic. One of the songs I discovered there, one that most of you know already, is this one:

Eating: some pretty yummy sandwiches the past couple of days. It boggles my mind what a good avocado can do to a sandwich!

Loving: that this album is coming out so soon. Can't wait! 

Reading: This weekend was meant for reading I guess, it's like a little mini readathon for me. Today I've been reading Through the Ever Night... a lot. Last night I got a good start on Wolf Hall. And tomorrow I plan to put in much more time on both.... and then there's Monday, a holiday, with nothing planned. More reading ahead!

UPDATE: Finished Through the Ever Night! AWESOME!!

Feeling: after such a lazy day today, I'm feeling quite good and rested. How's that for a different answer!

Watching: I watched a movie on my Kindle called Forks Over Knives. It's about eating plant-based food and whole food, which we all know is good for you, but sort of extreme too. I thought I'd watch this in preparation for the onslaught of nutritional information I'm expecting to get these next few months. I guess I need to know it all, right? Anyway, it's given me stuff to think about. 

We finished all the available Parenthood episodes on Netflix. I hear the current season is ending this week, which I hope means that it will show up on Netflix soon. But I'm scared for this season because I've heard a few things... and yeah, I'm scared.

I thought Survivor started this week, but no, it's not until Feb. 13. I'm excited to see some favorites return. I have high hopes it's going to be a good season. Unlike American Idol which as I mentioned in a previous post, I'm not so sure about.

I'm dying to go see Lincoln. 

Wanting:  hmmmmm.... to go see Lincoln! :)

Thinking: that if writers can have writer's retreats, and quilters can have quilter's retreats,then readers should be able to have reader's retreats. Yes? 

Exercising: Yes! I managed a couple of days this week! My body cooperated, and it was nice, but this weekend, I feel off again. So.... trying again next week. Ugh.

What's going on at your house currently? 


  1. Glad you enjoyed THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. It's a good one, huh? Can't wait for the last (*sniff*) book to come out.

  2. I love that Lumineers song! I have bought the album but I need to listen to it a few more times.

  3. Still haven't tried Spotify, even though my nephew swears I'd love it. Some day... :)

    Congrats on finishing Through the Ever Night! Still need to read this one. And love your idea for a Readers Retreat!

  4. I wish I could have a mini read-a-thon. Maybe I can manage some reading today.

  5. i know why we don't have reader's retreats...we'd all end up TALKING about books and not really reading. But what the heck, let's not tell anyone and schedule a reader's retreat anyway~~~ We'd go home well-fed and with really long TBR lists! Still....I'm ready for one. I have lots of cool books and they are calling to me.

    My schedule has been so busy this week that I missed any and all computer time and missed your posts. This was a good day to catch up with you and your posts all made me smile.

    Congrats on taking nutrition classes. I studied nutrition and worked for the hospital as a part of the dietetics department before teaching. My mom has her RD and has her PhD in Food Science and Nutrition. Even though I was from a "nutrition-family" I still laugh at how my perceptions change and I saw great disparity in the food industry, the public perception and the media. I think you'll find your study interesting. Good luck with it all.

    PS - I loved your photo of the sun on the mountains....gosh it was beautiful. I love to look at it but golly, I am so glad that it has warmed up here!!

  6. I keep hearing about Spotify … I need to try it and not be the last person on earth like I usually am!

  7. A reader retreat, I LOVE that idea! :) I really dig that Lumineer's song too!

  8. yummy avocado and yummy Lumineers (I also really like their song Stubborn Love).

    hope you have a good week.


  9. I'm anxious to chat about Forks over Knives. I thought it was an interesting show to watch - definitely lots to think about!
