Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekly Geeks #17: Sixth Quote of the Week

“When I was your age,
television was called books.”

Let me just say that I'm happy to have both! I quite looking forward to TV "coming back" this next week!


  1. Me too! So many shows I can't wait to see!

  2. Heather: Me too! The best ever!

    Ladytink: Only a few more days to wait, then next week, some of my favorites start! Yeah!

  3. Great quote! Possibly the best movie ever.
    How do we manage to read and be TV addicts?
    Which are your favorites that are starting soon?
    I'm waiting for: The Office, Survivor, The Amazing Race, House (I know it started but I missed the first one), Law and Order.

  4. I'm looking forward to Survivor, Amazing Race, Heroes. Then next week (I think) there'll be Chuck, Pushing Daisies, and Friday Night Lights. I'm going to miss Moonlight big big time.

    BTW, I think I just might have to blog about Heroes here. Is anyone with me?
