Friday, September 19, 2008

Last Day of BBAW!

Wow! What a week! Here's what I liked the best:

** All the blogging activity. It's been insane! It's been fun trying to keep up with everyone, though I haven't even come close. It all makes my head spin!

** I've had fun doing the little "assignments" every day that Amy has suggested. I like assignments! They make me happy.

** New-to-me blogs. Lots and lots of 'em. Many that I'm sad I didn't know about sooner. Where have I been?

** All the give aways. I only entered a few. And most likely I won't win one, but it's all fun anyway. I didn't do one of my own (I was discouraged with the one giveaway I did do awhile back... but I'll try again another day when it's not so crazy!)

** The fun awards. Some of my favorites won, and some didn't. But congratulations to all!

** Doing the interview exchange! That was fun too.

Way to go Amy for such a great idea! And I do hope you take a nice blogcation, or whatever you called it.

Anyway, thanks for the fun BBAW everyone!


  1. Nice meeting you via BBAW and I hope to stop by often.

  2. I hope you are encouraged to hold your own contests someday soon. I would defintely enter.

  3. I enjoyed the interviews too, and the assignments - it was a great week. :)
