Tuesday, January 1, 2008

December Recap

I did a pretty lousy job of reviewing my December books, so here's a quick overview of what I managed to read this past month:

The Underwood Sea by Michael Lawrence: The third in this YA science-fictiony series which started with A Crack in the Line. I loved it. Very mind-boggling and space-bending and thought-pondering stuff. Rating: A

Skipping Christmas by John Grisham: Read for my f2f club for a fun Christmasy read. I enjoyed the comedy and light heartedness of it. Rating: A

The Nether World by George Gissing: One of my last TBR books, on my list because it was read years ago by an online group and I missed it then and have always wanted to go back to it. This was a first by this author for me. He reminded me of Charles Dickens, but not quite as good. It was pretty slow moving, though I did find myself caught up with the characters in the end. Rating: B+

Caroline by Neil Gaimain: Because so many of you have talked about this one, then I saw it at the library, so picked it up and read it! It was nice and creepy and thought-provoking too. But still strange enough that I only rated it a B+.

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro: On two challenge lists for me... Something About Me and The Awards Challenge. It was a little slow going for me, and the ending was not what I wanted! Dang! Rating: B+

Rules by Cynthia Lord: A book I grabbed at the book fair a few months ago. I've felt I've been in a bit of a reading slump this month, and everything seemed slow, so I picked this one up to just read something fast and fun. And it sure was! I read it in an evening and loved it! It's about how a girl copes with her autistic brother. Rating: A

Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman: One of the new books we just got... recommended on the front by Stephenie Meyer! Fun YA teen romance! Another book that ties in to Pride and Prejudice! Rating: A

Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock: Another fun YA teen romance that we just got for Christmas and I sat down and read the other day. This one all about football! Rating: A

And that's it for this month. Even though I have a nice list... it was a very sluggish month, so I hope to get over that here in January!

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