Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 Review: By The Numbers

One of my favorite things about doing a "reading journal", which I started back in 2002, is crunching the numbers at the end of the year. Why do I find this so fascinating? Well, hopefully, many of you will just understand this fettish, because it's too hard to explain!

Total Books Read: 100
(wow! I've NEVER come close to this before! I think it's because of the craziness I had for YA books recently and because I started reading while walking on the treadmill...that's 17 books right there!)

NF: 4
Classic: 6
General Fiction: 33
YA: 57

Men: 37
Women: 63

Borrowed from library: 58
Owned: 40
Borrowed from other: 2

Book Clubs and Challenges (some crossover here):
Read for book clubs (online and f2f): 18
Read for challenges: 29
Read on own for the fun of it: 47

Total Pages: 33,402

And with that I end the year and complete a notebook! On to 2008!


  1. Wow that is an ambitious list. Do you have a list of all the titles and authors too?

  2. On my main page, on the side bar, you'll see "Books I've Read" and then a link to all the titles and authors of my 2007 books. I still need to add December's books there though.

  3. Congratulations on reading 100!!!!!
