Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Introducing: SHINee!

So we've pretty much lost our minds around here and are going to  not one, but two kpop concerts at the end of this month... both in LA... six days apart from each other. Which would be awesome if we could just stay there and party on, but there's school and work and responsibilities so we'll be coming home in between the two for a few days. We'll be flying to and from one and driving back to the other one. (That one happens to be at the start of spring break, so we  WILL be staying and hanging out in California that week!)

I've gone on and on about BTS, the second concert of the two, (haven't I? I feel like I have but I haven't REALLY posted about who they are or anything I don't think) but I haven't said much about SHINee... and since I wanted to... I am here to do it now!

Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, Minho, Key

So.. SHINee is a Korean boy band with five members. They are the first band I really listened to and got excited about following the first couple of months after immersing myself into Super Junior. These two bands are very similar since they both work for the same entertainment company, which is probably why it was easy to transition from the one to the other.

SHINee is a little bit younger than Super Junior both actual age-wise and how long they've been around. SHINee debuted in May of 2008 (compared to Super Junior's 2005) with a song called Replay:

Wow they look so so young here!

But they are especially well known for their songs Lucifer and Ring Ding Dong.. both songs that I love to show people when I'm first introducing them to kpop, though I know that these songs are a bit out there" in their weirdness (or what I like to think of now as coolness and awesomeness.)

The boys in this band are:

Onew: the oldest and the leader. He has a beautiful voice that never fails to give me chills. He also made his acting debut in a really well-loved drama called Descendants of the Sun (click for my review) and blew everyone away with how amazing he was.

Jonghyun is next and also has an amazing voice that kills me. I can't wait to hear him live and in person! I first paid attention to him when I discovered this solo song of his called The End of a Day.

Next up is Key, short for Kibum. He makes me smile with his eccentric hairstyles and clothes and.. just everything. Also, he can speak English which always  endears us English speaking fans to him.

And then there's Minho who has a killer smile. And he knows it. He is FULL of swagger. And I love it. He has done a ton of acting but most recently in what will go down as one of my favorites, Hwarang (click for my review.) He is the groups rapper, which is cool, but has always been weird for me since he just doesn't seem like a rapper, despite that swagger!

And finally... the baby of the group, Taemin. He, in my opinion, is pretty much the best dancer out of all the kpop idols I've been watching this year, and that's saying a lot. Seriously. The thought of seeing him dance live is making me crazy. I so can't wait.

(Yes, this is in Japanese not Korean...just in case you wondered.)

Our concert is going to be in a theater not an arena so I don't really know what to expect. I don't know if the production level will be toned down and it will be more about concentrating on the singing and dancing or what. But if so, I'm fine with that! This is what the inside of the theater looks like:

Doesn't that look amazing? AH!!! My stomach is filling with butterflies just thinking about it...

Well, and now you know a little bit about SHINee... and what we will be experiencing in a couple of weeks. Follow our Kpop Konverters Instagram for live updates about this concert and BTS!


  1. I always love the Japanese songs. :) When are the concerts? I can't remember, except that I know BTS is April 1, right?

    1. Jenni: Shinee is first.. on March 26 and then six days later is BTS on April 1. Only a week and a couple days until Shinee!

  2. This looks so fun! I'm glad you're posting about your concerts so we can all live vicariously through you. :)

    1. Kathy: I still feel a bit hesitant going all out, but I'm afraid the excitement is overwhelming and I won't be able to contain it very well...

  3. Sounds fun! I'm glad you decided to do both!
