Saturday, March 18, 2017

Happy Ten Years!!

Well, I almost missed it but TEN YEARS AGO this past week I started this book blog. I went strong for nine years straight! And then faltered during this past year. That makes me so sad! BUT, I'm still here. I'm not done. I'm too attached. And I know there's got to be a way that I can keep going and mesh all my passions together without feeling too guilty about it.

(Yes, I've been trying, but I feel like my K passion is trying to shanghai my book blog, but if I change up the blog, maybe I'll not feel guilty about it anymore, right? These are my thoughts.)

Anyway... here's to ten wonderful years that have been AMAZING. So many things have happened and so many friends have been  made and so many books reviewed and read alongs hosted and author events reported on and bloggiestas hosted so many fun things!

The next 10 years might look a bit different here, but I fully intend to still be around at the end of them! And I hope you all are too!


  1. I hope you stick around. It seems that so many of us are fading away. I wish I could find joy in blogging again. I'll keep trying if you do. And, yes, I say shake it up a bit.

  2. Happy 10th blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow, congrats Suey! I am looking forward to the next decade, KPop and whatever else comes along :)

  4. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! You made, which is more than I can say. I think you shouldn't feel guilty at all. You do what you want to do. I'll read your blog no matter what. :)

  5. I enjoy your Kdrama reviews, so keep em coming and don't feel guilty!

  6. Happy 10 years! That's awesome. I'm glad I've been here for all of them (or at least most of them) :)

  7. Wow, congratulations, Suey! I hope I'm still blogging after 10 years too :)
