Sunday, August 21, 2016

Currently: Feeling Exhausted

I've gone a whole week without blogging.

Guys. I'm not sure this has ever happened in my whole nearly ten years of blogging.

Is the world ending?

Anyway, here's a recap of the past week in pictures:

Here's the silly and blurry selfie at the airport when we picked up Sangi on Thursday.

We immediately took her to get French Fries. 

Here's her welcome sign that we LEFT AT HOME!!!

She brought us a ton of fun things from Korea
including the traditional hanbok dress.

A car full of crazies.

Eating at In and Out

Our Josh Groban selfie.
(Yes, we remembered our pre kpop love for Josh!)

Sangi brought me Lee Min Ho socks!
(Who's Lee Min Ho? The boy with the gun in the previous post of course!)

The cool monkey bar pyramid at the park.
Teaching Sangi the "heavy heavy hangover"
song for birthday present giving.

And finally, a cat picture.
The not so helpful bed making helper.

And now... tomorrow... school starts. Goodbye summer.

But I'm hoping that means a nice normal-ish week and getting back to routine. Until the weekend. And then it all breaks loose again. 


  1. Whoo! What a week! I love Stuart and Devin's faces in the pics. Don't they know how to smile? ;) When I go to wash my bedding and the cats are on it I say in my loudest most obnoxious voice, "guess what day it is?" It sends them fleeing!

    1. Jenny: If they smiled then I wouldn't have such memorable selfies of them! LOL! Cracks me up!

  2. My male cat always gets in the way when I am making the bed. And he just loves being moved at the best of times... Always fun with him. lol

    1. Kelly: Making beds is more fun than I thought apparently!

  3. It looks like you've had a wild week! I hope this one calms down a little for you. :)

    1. Kathy: All we have this week is school to figure out. Then the weekend is crazy again.

  4. You've definitely had quite the week. And, I know you're still in crunch mode. Hopefully, everyone will get used to their schedules and you'll be good to go. :) I didn't realize Sangi brought the sock for you. That's very cool since you love him so much. :)

    1. Jenni: She brought a ton of amazing things. I also have socks with Song Joong Ki's face on them! You have yet to meet him too! Sigh....

  5. Are you trying to make Sangi fat? I don't think that is the American experience she wanted.

    1. Kami: Food is ALWAYS part of the experience! And she loves fries. And she did NOT partake at In and Out, sadly. LOL!

  6. What a fun host family you guys are! Lucky Sangi :)
