Sunday, August 14, 2016

Currently: Feeling the Calm before the Storm

Listening:   Um... do you really want to know? I don't think you do. But just in case. You can click that link.  LOL! :) My favorite kpop song right now is this one. It's a ballad with some really awesome intense singing.. .and a bit of soft-ish rapping:

Did you listen? What do you think? (P.S You can click the CC button to see the lyrics if you want.)

Watching: A kdrama called City Hunter featuring this boy:

And that's really all I have to say about that.

Reading: I just finished a lovely book by my favorite Kasie West called P.S. I Like You. I love these fun contemporary romance books that she writes! Perfect for me right now!

Blogging: Next week we'll be celebrating Utah Authors. I have started two books by Utah authors. One a well established graphic novelist... and one a brand new author! Woot!  Stay tuned for more Utah bookish-ness fun.

Writing: Um.

YouTubing: Guys. Our channel exploded in the past couple of weeks. It's been awesome. People are actually watching us now. Which is both cool and freaky at the same time. We have haters too! So you know that's ligit, right? But, wow. This is being a fun ride.

Big Announcement: A few weeks ago I mentioned that life is going to change around here in a big way. And that happens this week when we welcome to our home an exchange student for the WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR! And guess where she is from? As my mom says.... you have three guesses and the first two don't count. Korea! Yep. We are so excited it's not even funny. We have talked about doing this for years. And I've always resisted, but this time, it feels so right and like it was meant to be. And it's not just about the Korea thing. I just... I don't know... I think it's going to be an awesome thing. So I have spent many days cleaning and organizing and throwing away junk so there will be a room ready for her. Anyway, stay tuned for much more about this adventure!

So this weekend things have been fairly calm. And then it will all break loose. I'm hanging on tight.


  1. My mother had exchange students for a few years and it was mostly positive. There was only one kid that really didn't work out... They tend to be a bit spoiled and not always appreciate that lifestyle that she lives. (He was Mexican, though, not Korean!)

    1. Kelly: Mexican? And he was spoiled? That's against the stereotype!

  2. Um, OK. That guy from City Hunter makes me want to watch it. Yum!

    1. Jenny: UM!!!! so I've been talking pretty much nonstop about him since this whole korean stuff started!! Yeah. He's my favorite of ALL of them. ALL. Sigh. And this picture doesn't even capture half of what he's all about....

  3. I didn't know there was a new Kasie West book! Maybe it could get me out of my slump. And I can't believe you guys have haters on your YouTube channel. That's kind of scary. All kinds of exciting things going on for you. :)

  4. Yay! I'm so excited for you guys. I just hope you'll still be able to hang out and have fun with us while she is here.

    1. Jenni: Nothing should change much with regard to hanging out. Once Sept. is over!

  5. Cool! I was an exchange student in The Philippines when I was in high school. It was an incredible experience.
