Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Seven Reasons to Read/Skip The Pages Between Us by Lindsey Leavitt and Robin Mellom

Book: The Pages Between Us by Lindsey Leavitt and Robin Mellom
Genre: MG 

Short Synopsis: These two best friends are just starting middle school (sixth grade) and are bummed they only have one class together so to deal with that, they've started a notebook wherein they plan to write notes to each other.  Regular sixth grade type drama happens and it's great fun!

Five Reasons to Read

1. Cute!
2. Sweet!
3. Witty.
4. What a great idea this idea of using a notebook passed between two girls as an idea for a book. Yeah. I love that idea! It worked for this age group (sixth grade) and now I wonder if it would work for a high school age in the form of notes. Yeah. Would that work? I, for one, love it.
5. It's a quick fun fast read. What's not to like about that, eh?

Two Reasons to Skip

1. Some of the thoughts and writing and style seem to NOT fit for sixth grade age. I could feel the authors creeping on in.
2. This one has a very MG feel, so if you aren't that much into MG, you might want to skip.

Bottom Line: A sweet look at a relationship between best friends.

Other Reviews:

Told in letters, posters, blog posts, homework assignments, and more, The Pages Between Us is a totally fun, totally earnest snapshot of real-life friendship From Mundie Kids

I loved how visual certain parts of the book are. The girls tape things into their "notebook" and it is fun to see that. From Kami's Library Thoughts


  1. I'm not a big MG fan so I didn't get this one but it does sound like a cute idea and I like the idea for a YA book.

  2. I like how you're asking about notes since I know you have an MS written in that form, lol. I think it would work for YA. I think it just depends how it's written. :)

  3. I agree with everything you said. I think the notebook thing would work for HS students as well. Thanks for shout out!
