Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Recent FIVE Star Reads

I'm not scared of giving out five stars. You all know that. And here are the latest five I've awarded. It seems like they were a long time ago now. I need another five star in a bad way. Maybe today since The Winner's Kiss will be showing up on my doorstep any second! YES

Five Recent Five Star Books
(with quotes from my reviews)

Emmy and Oliver by Robin Benway: "It's all sorts of sweetness and swoon worthiness."

Mosquitoland by David Arnold: "It's an interesting mix of sad and funny. You know the kind, where you feel bad laughing at the situation these characters are in, and then you end up weepy eyed afterwards. Yeah, that kind."

Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: "Gah. I love these books so much. If you haven't read them  yet, what the HECK are you waiting for?"

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord: "I loved that the guy we thought would be the guy was not the guy, not because he turned out to be a jerk, but because he was just not the right guy. I loved the whole "nerds are awesome" theme too. I mean, I really really loved that especially."

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff: "I loved it. This! This is the sort of book I want to write! I just, I don't know, it's just so cool!"

What are your recent five star books? Link up over at The Broke and the Bookish.


  1. I also love the Kaufman and Spooner series, which I like more than the Kaufman and Kristoff, although one has to love the format of Illuminae!

  2. All the hype over Illuminae actually has me intrigued. I may give it a try.

  3. I need to read ALL of these! So behind! I'd have to reach way way back for my five star reviews. :)

  4. All of the books on your list have caught my eye, especially Illuminae and Emmy and Oliver. Great list!

  5. I really need to read Illuminae. I have been wanting to!

  6. You only listed 5! I'm surprised you didn't list more. Is it because you haven't had any more recent ones? I need to read all of these and many are on my TBR list already.

  7. I am not a big YA or sci fi person, but I just finished Illuminae today, and I really liked it. It was very clever.

  8. Wow, I haven't read any of these. A couple of them are sitting on my shelves waiting ... I'll get to them someday! My 14yo daughter really liked ILLUMINAE, so I'll probably start with that one.

  9. I haven't read anything in this lsit, but some of them look really good!
    My ttt
