Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Recently Added to the TBR

I've been adding books to the pile like crazy! Here are ten that have risen to the top:

What books are on your TBR pile at this very moment? Be sure to link up over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. Good luck with Moby Dick. It is a whale encyclopedia, VERY boring.

    1. Kami: UGH! Well, I guess we'll see. I mean, expect boring because that's what everyone says, but then some say it's awesome... so.

  2. I didn't know Dan Wells had a new one. I loved his I am not a Serial Killer trilogy. Going to check this one out. Uggggh I really missed a lot of books last year being away from blogging. THANK YOU

    1. Marce: Yes, this is part of that serial killer series! I don't know if it's a prequel, or what. But hopefully I can get to it soon and let you know! Dan has a couple other books coming out this year, so keep your eyes open! :)

  3. Emmy & Olive is on my list too. And, of course, Little Women. I also have Moby Dick, but I don't know if I'll end up reading that one ... ever.

    1. Jenni: I plan to read it slowly over the year. We'll see...

  4. Wolf by Wolf looks so good. Ahhhh! Dan Wells has a new book?! Must go now! Tbr list growing!

    1. Jenny: I found a read along for Wolf by Wolf, so here's hoping I get to it soon! And yes, Dan has this one, plus two more coming out next year.

  5. A nice mixture of books. The Elegance of the Hedgehog is a great book.

    1. Lisbeth: I got that one for Christmas. Very curious about it!

  6. I just read Wolf by Wolf and really enjoyed it. I hope you like it. I've heard great things about Emmy and Oliver and 172 Hours on the Moon. I didn't include Little Women on my list, but I can't wait to get started on the read along.
