Sunday, January 17, 2016

Currently: Feeling Full of Bloggiesta and Super Junior

Listening: Yeah, you are wondering what I mean above in the title by Super Junior, yes? I mean, I'm pretty sure you've never heard of this band. But. If you are in the mood for something a little different  (Korean) and yet feels a lot the same (pop rock), then here you go! Sadly, this week I got a Kendji CD too, meaning, now Kendji and Super Junior are competing for air time! But the music intake for me has been fabulous this week.

Watching: Funny thing... Super Junior fits this category too. Because they are so much fun to watch dance! Do you think I'm suffering a midlife crisis here? Always and forever. Bring it on. It's hard to pick a favorite, but this song is for sure one:

And once again, I only have my sister to blame because she points out these things to me and drags me along for the fun. I've been begging her to write and post about her all-consuming obsession with these beautiful boys but the thought overwhelms her. So here I am posting instead because, you know, maybe just one of you might listen/watch and join us in our Kpop journey!

Wait? How did the Kpop thing get started you ask? It's all because of the Kdramas! I think I mentioned that last time, right? Check out this website ( and watch one . And see what you think.

As for other things I watched this week... how about Star Wars VII for the third time? Yes. And I saw new things (like the scar that Rey left across Kylo Ren's face) and loved it all over again.

Reading: I finally finished the first couple of books of the year this week. All fabulous. Mosquitoland was especially hard hitting. But I have such a love for the Starbound trilogy and finishing that one this week was bittersweet. WANT. MORE.

Oh, and we announced our Little Women Read Along this week. Did you catch it? Come read with us! Because, you know, we have way too much fun doing read alongs and you don't want to miss it.

Writing: I went to a critique group. That always sets me back at least a week. Still trying to pick it up again. I tried to re-write the first chapter but it wasn't working still, so I went back to revising the existing one. Still not right. And so... I flounder.

Blogging: BLOGGIESTA! It's happening now! I have done the basic catching up stuff. I hope to clean out email here shortly. And I don't know what else. Nothing really big this time I guess. Do mark your calendars for March 21 to 27 when we'll have our week long spring cleaning event. Please come and participate then! (Hmmm... I will be doing Comic Con at the end of that week, so that should be interesting. Sigh. Too many fun things going on always at the same time!)

Health Watch: Zumba happened three times one week, and twice another. Which is better than nothing, but that amount is going to be totally useless. So that needs to change. (What I'd love to do now is learn the dance routines of Super Junior and turn that into my "Zumba" exercising. How fun would that be?) Eating is still a problem. Which it will be for... oh... ever.

  • We've been kid-less all week so that's been really strange and weird and has pretty much thrown me off.
  • The whole David Bowie thing followed by the Alan Rickman thing has hit me harder than I would have expected. Though, it's so awesome that when these people leave us, they leave behind work that will last forever. It makes one think about one's own legacy and what there is to leave behind. Know what I mean?
  • What else? I can't remember.


  1. i love kpop! shinee are the kings though :^)

    1. We I haven't branched out yet... but I believe I will always be an ELF!!!

    2. mamacita is so good, and kyuhyun is my fave member of super junior!
      shinee is another kpop boy group, and they're my all-time favorites <3

    3. Desirae: I'm really liking Kyuhyun for sure. I will see what Shinee is like!

  2. It's so sad that Alan Rickman died. I've been thinking about his movies all week! I should have come and watch S&S with you guys.

    1. Um, yeah! We tried to call you and talk you into it!

  3. SUPER JUNIOR!!!!!!!! KDRAMAS!!!!!! (Life outside of these two things doesn't exist right now...)

    1. Megs: LOL! Sigh. I wonder if you'll ever be the same again...

  4. I agree about one's own legacy. I've been struggling with this for the last few years because I don't feel like I've accomplished anything of significance. I'm not a parent. I didn't finish school, well my Bachelor's anyway. I just feel insignificant. Oh well.

    1. Jenni: It's something that's not good to dwell on. We should just do our best and keep on keeping on... I think we don't realize how many lives we touch! :)
