Monday, October 12, 2015

Fifty Things I Love

And the countdown begins. In an attempt to celebrate the big 5-0 I plan to share fun (hopefully) lists of 50 things over the next few weeks. We'll see if I can manage it. 

Anyway, here's my first list, and today it's 50 things I love! I know long time (and even short time) readers will find this list familiar since I tend to go on and on about many of these things. So, here we go again!

Which ones do we have in common?


  1. sunsets
  2. sunrises
  3. thunderstorms
  4. chocolate chip cookie dough
  5. rock concerts
  6. broadway shows
  7. brooding book heroes
  8. myths and legends
  9. blogging
  10. movies
  11. loud music
  12. pens and paper
  13. letter writing
  14. journal keeping
  15. driving with the windows down
  16. grasshopper milkshakes
  17. sweatshirts
  18. sleeping in
  19. BLTs without the L
  20. the ocean
  21. chocolate
  22. ceiling fans
  23. Star Wars
  24. Christmas
  25. the farm in Idaho
  26. Zumba
  27. quilts
  28. donuts
  29. books
  30. pine trees
  31. purring cats
  32. road trips
  33. pesto sauce
  34. cameras
  35. ibuprofen
  36. libraries
  37. canyon breezes
  38. Nanowrimo
  39. Skechers
  40. Comic Con
  41. British actors
  42. going to dinner with family/friends
  43. The BBC
  44. fall
  45. cowboys
  46. Mustang convertibles


  1. Sometimes it weirds me out how similar we are...

  2. I'm surprised that Josh and Markus were not at the top! Mmmmmm #7. . . mmmmmm!

    1. Kami: These aren't in any particular order. I would never be able to rate things!

  3. Chocolate chip cookie dough is one of my favorite things ever! And, I didn't know about BLTs without the L. I love L!!!

    1. Jenni: I mean, L is okay, but if I'm making my own BLT, I'd rather taste just the B and T and leave out the L entirely. :)

  4. Awesome list! It reminds me that we do have things in common. ;)

  5. What a fun way to celebrate! I'm looking forward to more. Also, grasshopper milkshakes - now I need one!
