Sunday, October 11, 2015

Currently: Feeling Drained

Listening: Another random artist that Discover Weekly from Spotify brought to my attention:

 Do you like it? Do you find it too weird? Do you find it mesmerizing? Is the language beautiful to you or just strange? Is his voice grating, or amazing? What about bagpipes? Yes or no? I'm finding it fascinating on all aspects.

Watching: Enjoying all the new TV shows which have finally started! Survivor, Amazing Race, Arrow, Heroes Reborn. Finished Fear the Walking Dead and plan to start with the new Walking Dead tonight! Started season two of Reign on Netflix and having a huge desire to rewatch Moonlight on the DVDs that I have. Remember this show? Man, I loved it.

Reading: Working on Dracula for the most part. Reading doesn't seem to be happening much. Looking forward to the readathon this Saturday though! Very tempted by the reimagined Twilight. Might have to buy that this week and add it to the readathon pile.

Writing: Have been working a ton on this. Until the weekend hit. And still nothing to show for it. Feeling frustrated as usual. Planning and dreaming about Nano stuff as mentioned in this post here. Might do a Tristan and Isuelt retelling. Are you familiar with this story? I really want to know how well-known this legend is, so let me know!

Blogging: Eh. Hanging in there.


  • Saw a presentation by Terry Tempest Williams at the library this week. And can I just say, I don't get her.
  • Saw Idina Menzel in concert last week. She's pretty amazing. 
  • There are so many book events happening! There is absolutely no WAY to keep up. It makes me a little crazy.
  • I bought school pictures and they gave my daughter an empty envelope. It will be a miracle if I can clear that one up.
  • Throwing my husband a bday party today. He hates me for it.
  • I know it's fall now because we have pumpkins on our porch. The weather certainly isn't telling that it's fall. 


  1. Tristan and Iseult (or Isolde) is one of the most wellknown love stories. I think it is 'up there' with Romeo and Juliet. By retelling, do you mean to write a story inspired by them? Sounds interesting.

  2. I couldn't see or hear he Discover Spotify artist, but I'd like to. :) Just FYI.

    1. Bryan: Gah! I hate it when my YouTube videos disappear when these posts are published! Will fix and send to you cause I'd love to know what you think...

  3. I can see the video. The artist is interesting but the voice is a little odd to me. I can't decide if I like it or not. Where are they from?

    1. He's from France. Singing in the Briton language.

  4. I'm one episode behind on Heroes Reborn.

    Now I'm wishing I had been able time go on Thursday. You'll have to explain what you mean.

    Oh no! Not the reimagined Twilight!

    I know the story of Tristan and Isulet.

    1. Jenny: Are you like Heroes Reborn? Yes, TWILIGHT! And... do you think retellings of Tristan are too many and too cliche?

  5. I was going to listen to the song, but saw the word "bagpipes". There is a Read a Thon on Saturday!?

    1. Kami: You don't like bagpipes? What? Listen to this song. I'm not even sure this particular one has the bagpipes. Yes, the readathon is on Saturday.

    2. Kami: Oh, yep it does. There are some at 3:55 in. you can avoid them now...

  6. I saw Idina Menzel live before Frozen came out and she was fantastic. I really wanted to see her again this year (hearing "Let it Go" by her live would have been awesome) but I had to work that night and didn't really have the money. That's great you enjoyed the performance!


  7. The song reminds me a little of The Lord of the Rings. I like it a lot. And, I heart bagpipes. They're my favorite! :D

  8. Idina Menzel concert?!? I would love to see that one!!
