Sunday, April 12, 2015


Listening: Well, music-wise I shared what I'm listening with you yesterday. Did you see it? I mean, did you listen? :) Right this very moment currently, I'm listening AND watching Friday's Amazing Race. They are in Monaco! I get to see Monaco in just a few months. Screams of excitement!

Watching: Well, yes, Amazing Race. And Survivor still. And the other day I watched that little  mini series... The Dove Keepers. Did anyone of you watch that? Pretty interesting portrayal of a moment in history when the Romans and the Jews were having issues. They (the Romans) took this desert fort city by siege and instead of being captured, the whole city committed suicide. (Well, they appointed ten people to do the killing.) Sad story, eh? I had to look up the whole story afterward on good old Wikipedia. The city was called Mesada.  I've been watching a lot of movies lately too, which you can tell by all the reviews I've been doing!  A lot of plays too. Do you want some play reviews?

Reading: Just finished The Golem and the Jinni last week. Loved it! Review to come soon! Now I'm reading The Eternity Key by Bree Despain, which comes out in a few weeks. I've been appointed one of a few ambassadors of this series to help promote it. Fun stuff, eh? There'll be giveaways so stay tuned!

Writing: AH! Getting ready for the next critique experience which is coming up in a month. I have to have 15 pages spiffed and ready to go. Trying to change things up to sound more YA and also I'm going to delete all the boring! (Sheesh, how did the boring get in there in the first place!)

Blogging: We had a fabulous Bloggiesta a few weeks ago! So glad for everyone that joined the fun! And now I'm just, gah, overloaded with blog ideas and posts to write. Hang in there! I'm on a roll! :) Oh, and the Dune read along starts soon! Get ready for some fun stuff there too!

Eating: Nothing to exciting to report here. I made another German gingerbread cake for a dinner we went to. I didn't take a  picture but it looks a little like this (only without the frosting):


  • It's been spring break around here, but the only thing that was different was that Toto went to Disneyland on a school trip and left us here. 
  • I had to help with another college French presentation too, even though he was actually also on spring break. It was in prep for his study abroad. THREE WEEKS!
  • We got to see a nephew that we haven't seen for 2 1/2 years. Fun to have him in town for a few days.
  • We're thinking of a Star Wars marathon soon. This is oddly exciting for me.
  • Much of life right now is planning our trip. It's kind of like Christmas. Much much preparation for a tiny little moment in time.


  1. Your German gingerbread cake looks delicious. I request you make this for book club one of these times.

    I know about Mesada. Corey studied it and other Jewish history while he was going to USU before we met. I didn't know they did a miniseries on it. I wonder if it will go to Netflix. He might find it interesting to watch.

  2. Star Wars Marathon!! Yes please! I have been in desperate need of Star Wars but need to get the movies first (Hubby is not a fan).

    I have the Dovekeepers recorded on my DVR, I guess I should take some time some night this week and watch them.

  3. I love the idea of a Star Wars marathon! The last time we did one, my two oldest were in elementary school and I don't think Dylan was even born. We had a new years eve tradition of movie marathons, and the Star Wars year was so much fun.
