Sunday, January 4, 2015

Currently: Let's Do This Thing!

Listening: To the Ladyhawke soundtrack on Spotify. Love that music with all my heart. 

Watching: Lots of movies. (See post from yesterday!) But tonight, Downton Abbey! Woot! 

Reading: I'm well into The Bishop's Wife by Mette Ivie Harrison. Not sure about this book. But I have a huge pile I want to start for Bout of Books! I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Writing: I've had a blast this past weekend trying to get back into this endeavor after a month off. I need to determine if the Nano story I just wrote is worth pursuing, and I need to finish last year's Nano story and polish it up for some beta reading! Yeah for the beta reading process! I can't wait!

Making: Lots of plans... see below! 

Feeling: Ready to jump back into regular life and a normal routine. All the time off was fun, but the past few days it's been really weird around here. Everyone is going stir crazy for sure.

Planning: To put away Christmas today. And then to dig through the junk rooms in the house and organize! But not today. Tomorrow... or maybe next week, or month.

Loving: The start of a new year! I have great hopes for this year. It's going to be a good one!


  1. I love your comment on organizing! I can't stand to see Christmas stuff up after Christmas, so everything that has to do with the holiday is safely tucked away in the closet. I know what you mean about The Bishop's Wife. I started reading several chapters and ending up browsing through the rest.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Vasilly: I like to leave the stuff up until life goes back to normal, which for us is tomorrow. We'll see if it happens today. As for the Bishop's Wife, you can bet I'll have some stuff to say about it come review post time! :)

  2. My husband goes back to work tomorrow and it'll be nice to get back into our normal routine! It's been soooo nice having the break together though! And good luck getting organized! I think I might need to tackle one thing a week until everything is organized ...

    Happy New Year!

    1. Kristilyn: One thing a week sounds perfect! Let's do it! Yes, my husband and I both took all two weeks off work, and the kids had those two weeks off, so...what a party around here!

  3. I love the Ladyhawke soundtrack too. It's also one of my favorite movies. Did you know Navarre's name is Etienne. :) I found that out the last time I watched it and immediately thought of St. Claire.

    1. Jenni: I did know that! I did! Oh, Navarre. I was jut thinking how awesome it would be if he came to Comic Con! :)

  4. I love the title of your post. I have felt this way for the past few weeks and really have not wavered. Sometimes, you just need to pull yourself up by your big girl panties and do everything you don't necessarily want to do. The entire family finished a major clothes purge as well as a books/toys purge for the kids. I love the sense of accomplishment that brings.

    Enjoy your last day off and have a great week!

    1. Michelle: We need to have a major everything purge! My husband has been going through files and throwing away and shredding, one little file at a time. So it's a start!

  5. I'm feeling ready to jump into the new year too - feet first, and raring to go! Unfortunately, I've had to get back to work already. Those deadlines! And it's going to be a little deadline-crazy here this month, so I'm already looking forward to February. We put our Christmas stuff away a few days after Christmas - first time we've put the decorations away so early. Usually we wait until the new year, but this year our year-old cats decided the tree was a cat condo and we ended up with the saddest, sorriest looking tree-that-looked-nothing-like-a-tree ever. So it wasn't that hard to put the decorations away (plus most of the ornaments were rolling around on the floor anyway)!

  6. I love the beginning of a new year. It makes us so determined to jump into things.
