Monday, January 5, 2015

Bout of Books Reading Pile

The wonderful intense and very fun readathon known as Bout of Books starts today! Here are the books I hope to read this week:

Also, I have a couple on my Kindle I wouldn't mind getting to:

Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black
Cress by Marissa Meyer
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell (which I'll be working on slowly for our read along!)

Check back here for updates on my progress!


  1. Great reading pile!!! I really enjoyed The Elite and hope to get to The One soon.

  2. Good luck! I don't know if I'll be counting North and South in my updates.

  3. Good luck and happy reading, Suey!

  4. Good luck and have fun! The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is absolutely fabulous!!

  5. Wonder! I looooved that one! And The Elite!! That's such a fun series. :) Good luck with your books!

  6. I just didn't even bother to put together a pile because, even thought it's a readathon, I know me. I'll be lucky to get to two books! Good luck!

  7. Hope you are wrapping up a GREAT Bout of Books!!
