Thursday, December 11, 2014

Orem Library Holiday Author Extravaganza and Other Stuff

What an author party we had the other day! I don't think I've ever seen so many people at the library before. It was awesome!

I think I managed to talk to every author there except for Shannon Hale, which was kinda sad. I should have just said hi... sorry you've signed all my books already! Or something.

Anyway, here are a few pictures I managed to take during all the craziness:

This is the stack of books I took to get signed.
Most just from my house, only a couple purchased
special for this event.

Brandon Sanderson's line was SO LONG!
Here we are standing in it (the line on the left)
and Brandon Mull's line is the one on the right.
Brandon Sanderson signed books for four and a half hours
until everyone in his line was taken care of.

Here we are looking down the line:
Ann Dee Ellis
Natalie Whipple
Brandon Mull

Julianne Donaldson on the far left,
Shannon Hale
Ally Condie

The Brandons:
Sanderson on the left,
Mull on the right.

Looking down the line the other way:
Sarah M. Eden
Julianne Donaldson
Shannon Hale
Ally Condie
Brandon Sanderson
And I swiped this one from the library's Facebook page
because look who's right there in the front of the crowd
talking to Julianne Donaldson
and looking like a the nerdiest of all nerds!
It's me, wearing my Grinch t-shirt!
Another author that I did not get a picture of, Gerald Lund, was also there. He writes historical LDS fiction, among other things. I read his books years and years ago and have many of them, but only took the first one of his most popular series to get signed.

It was crazy fun!

And the rest of the day continued to be crazy fun! Here's just a sampling of what else we did that day:

Concerts and parties! Let the festivities begin!


  1. You have such awesome events in your area! I need to come for a visit :)

  2. I'm glad you had fun. I'm sad I couldn't go. Oh well. :)
