Wednesday, December 10, 2014

North and South Read Along January 2015

Have you seen the movie but never read the book? Have you read the book but never seen the movie? Have you somehow missed out on both of these experiences? Or maybe you've done both of them several times and love it so much you'd be happy to do it again?

If any of these scenarios fit you and your relationship with North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell then now is your chance to read, watch and discuss with other like minded fanatics!

Kami, Jenni and I have talked about doing a read along for this book all year and now, the year is just about over and we haven't done it! But we are going to start the new year with a bang and fit it in during January. And we want YOU to join us!

Kami has seen the movie countless times and therefore has fallen madly deeply in love with a certain actor we'll call Richard Armitage. But, she has never read the book. I'm feeling a huge responsibility to make this right! I feel like there's so much more to Mr. Thornton in the book. I can't wait for her to fall even more madly in love with this character.

And Jenni, she hasn't seen the more OR read the book. I'm so jealous of her that she has the experience of falling in love for the first time with both of these creations.

As for me, I think I've read the book two or three times. I can't remember. And watched all of the movie twice and certain parts over and over again. (Anyone wonder which bits I'm talking about? Ha!)

Does this sound like something you'd like to do with us during January? Which North and South category do you fit into? If you want to join us, write a post about our read along (to help us spread the word) and link up here.

The dates and reading sections we are proposing are this:

**January 1 to 10: Chapter 1 to 18
(Discussion hosted by Jenni Elyse.)

**January 11 to 20: Chapter 19to 35
(Discussion hosted by Kami's Library Thoughts.)

**January 21 to 31: Chapter 36 to end
(Discussion hosted by It's All About Books.)

We'll post discussion and questions on our blogs and also host a twitter chat that day (or right near that day) to talk in real time. We'll have month long random Twitter discussions too. #NorthSouthRAL I hope to live tweet as I read, which always sounds fun, but always ends up harder than I think.

And then, to celebrate, we plan to watch the movie together at my house, probably the first Saturday in Feb. but we'll let you know as it gets closer. Any local readers can join us! And if you aren't local, you can join us in real time on Twitter and we can still watch together that way. (Yes, this movie is on Netflix... I think.) I've done that a few times before and it's a blast.

Don't have the book? No worries! It's free! Here's the link.

Have I convinced you to join us? If so, leave a link to your post here: (If you don't blog but have a Twitter, leave a link to that. If you don't do either one, but want to join us, be sure to comment and let us know!)


  1. Yay! I love that you let everyone know what camp we're in. :) I'm so excited!!!

  2. I'm so excited we're doing this! AH!

  3. I have never (1) read this or watched it and (2) done a read along. It sounds like fun!

  4. Yay! To everyone! And Belle, does this mean you are going to join us? I hope so! (And P.S. anyone have any idea why I suddenly can't reply to individual people here? Ugh!)

  5. This sounds great! I LOVE the movie and have been meaning to read the book for ages. So count me in! :)

  6. This sounds so fun! I'd love to join! I fall into the category of having watched the movie but not read the book. I've only seen the movie once - loved it! I recently snagged a used copy of North and South. I suppose it's been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to squeeze it in with this read-along.

    Hopefully I'll get a blog post up soon. Until then, my blog is

  7. I haven't read the book, seen the movie, or participated in a read along before so this will be a whole new experience for me. It sounds like fun so I'm definitely in.

  8. I've read the book and seen the movie a couple of times. And yes, watched several parts over and over again. *wink-wink*

    I'd love to join, though I might be more active in tweeting about it than blogging it. :P

    1. Alyssa: Tweeting with us is perfect. Be sure to stay tuned for when we'll have official twitter gatherings.

  9. So I just read this book last week and I loved it and would love to discuss it with other people! Can I join? :) - Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks

  10. I watched the movie this year, the year of all things British, but didn't read the book. Requesting from the library and I'll get a sign up post done soon!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Joy: Awesome! We look forward to having you!

  11. I'm in! Never read the book, just watched the movie for the first time EVER this afternoon and fell in love with the story/characters/Thornton...erm... :-)
