Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Sunday Salon What a Week!

Sheesh, how'd it get to be Thursday again? Which means, it's time for that fun new link up to our old posts! Head on over to Tanya's at Mom's Small Victories to participate!

This week I'm looking back on a post exactly three years ago. Back then I wrote long and detailed Sunday Salon posts. You pretty much knew everything that was going on in my life. Well, I guess it's not much different now, is it? Here's what I wrote that day:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Sunday Salon: What a Week!

It's late Saturday night. I just got home. I should be reading.  Or sleeping at the very least.

Outside my window: There's a little drizzle. They say snow by morning. I'm not sure I believe it. If there is, it will be gone before afternoon I'm sure. Spring... gotta love it!

I am listening to: Just now in the car, Bohemian Rhapsody came on! We got home too soon! I wanted to hear it all! Love that song. I think it has everything... a little mellow, a little rock, a little pretty voices, a little screamy voices, a sad story, a happy story. Perfect.

I am watching: Downstairs the news is on. The community is THRILLED that our local college team is on to the Sweet 16. If this keeps up, you just might find me interested in March Madness after all!

I am thinking: That this past week was a fabulous bookish week! A rockin' launch party, a rowdy book club, a chat with Ally Condie, a Brandon Mull signing, a four years of blogging celebration, five new books bought, an author that retweeted my review of his book and just now... a play of Persuasion. I couldn't ask for much more really.

I am grateful for: All the above stuff. Also, for water and food and air and a house.

I am reading: Too many books! Lord of Chaos, No Going Back, Room, I Am The Messenger, City of Bones... anxious to read The Name of the Wind, My Jane Austen Summer, Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Monsters of Men, The World We Live In and Front and Center...

I am photographing: Brandon Mull's Launch party. Did you see my video? And also I've been asked to be on Scene of the Blog in the coming days... so I'm taking pictures of my blogging space. Ha. How exciting that is! :) Well, it IS exciting, but my space is so very not.

I am listing: Weekly Geeks is a list of our bookishness.... you should go participate! I'm going to be listing my things soon. 

I am creating: Wahoo! Daughter Toto said today, "I feel like sewing." So we started a skirt. Are you impressed? Tune in next week before you decide on that point.

On my iPod: Same.... same same same. I almost bought the new Radiohead album this week, but Amazon said it wasn't quite out. 

I am hoping and praying: The trip we are planning in three months time is fun and not stressful. 

Around the house: Pretty much the same too. Since it was book club week, it got cleaned pretty good one day, but you know, that lasted for maybe an hour or two.

From the kitchen: Wow, it's been a bad cooking week. I was gone during dinner time Tues, Wed. and Thurs. Then Friday I was dead tired, and today is Sat. which means I don't cook. Yeah. Not a good dinner week at all around here.

One of my favorite things: Ice cream. M and M's. Cookies. Croissants. Pancakes. Pizza. What? A problem with food? Me?

The children this week: Were overly busy. There were a couple of melt downs I must say. I don't enjoy melt downs particularly. 

Plans for the week: Well, let's see. I think compared to last week, it's going be quite a normal routine week. Until Saturday of course... when I plan on meeting my favorite author ever! Wait, what? Less than a week away? I am freaking OUT! Deep breaths, I can do this....ARGHH! So nervous! What will I say? 

My current observations on my thoughts from three years ago:

* nothing has changed regarding my love for Bohemian Rhapsody!
* we had a rowdy book club three years ago. Do you think we'll have one again tonight? I love rowdy book clubs!
* I celebrated four years blogging. And I thought that was long then....
* I was excited about an author retweeting my review of his book. I wonder who that was. I still get excited about that, by the way, though it must happen enough that I don't note it down. What I love more is if an author actually TALKS back... like when Dan Wells said to me the other day... "Wahoo!" to me.  Wahoo back at ya!
* I had my first Brandon Mull launch party experience. Wow, that was something!
* I was still reading The Wheel of Time. I still want to keep reading them. I do. I really do.
* Weekly Geeks was still happening. Ah, the old days.
* Sewing? Really? I wonder if I remember how...
* Radiohead? Really? Well, they ARE pretty awesome.
* I was just one short week away of the best author appearance ever! Oh my gosh, the butterflies! And has it really been three years since then? I'd say it's time for you to come back MZ!!!
* all I can say is that this post feels like it barely happened, and yet, there's so much that's different too. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that you pulled out a post ftom the same day 3 years ago. Bohemian Rhapsody never gets old!! Ha, looks like weather was a problem 4 years ago like it is this year. We are UNC fans, its often March Madness around here and yes, my son's birthday party is scheduled around the tournament games :) 

    Rowdy book club sounds fun, we have been having it with our kids to discuss Harry Potter so we've been behaving ourselves. 

    Thanks for sharing with #ThrowbackThursdaylinkup! !

  3. It's always amazing to look back and realize how much some things change and how little other things do. No wonder sometimes it feels like time's not moving at all.

  4. I love this post! It's always great to go back and see where we came from and how we got where we are right now! Stopping by {too late} from last week's #throwbackthursdaylinkup
