Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2014

My goals aren't really anything earth-shattering or challenging or huge. But since it's the prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish today I'm thinking I'll go ahead and list them for you!

Top Ten Bookish/Bloggish Goals

1. Host some more read alongs. Not sure of the book (or books) yet, that will be a spontaneous spur of the moment thing as they usually are. I'll let you know when it (they) pop (s) up!

2. Stop neglecting The Classics Club. Dang, but I failed on that last year. Why why why is it so hard when I want so bad to read them? I don't get it. New shiny books I guess. I blame them. If only everyone would stop publishing just for a bit, so we can all catch up!

3. Comment more. This seems to be getting harder and harder these days. I read blogs on my phone, but can't stand using it to comment. I need to set aside dedicated comment time and just do it.

4. Participate in Letter Month again in February. I'm going to be a stressed out basket case that whole month, but maybe writing letters will calm me. By the way, I just signed up to write and receive letters over at The Estella Society today. You should too! Check out the details here. 

5. Go to some conferences. I'm in the habit of the one (LTUE) but I plan to add to that this year. And hopefully ComicCon too.

6. Write. And start a writing group to help with that goal. I don't think it'll happen otherwise. There's three of us interested at this point. Anyone else want to join us? My plan is to hopefully meet in person once a month and have lots, like LOTS of online interaction in between. That's in addition to attending other events together. Anyone?

7. Last year I said I was going to work on The Wheel of Time again. Then I promptly forgot all about it. Maybe I can try again this year?

8. I hereby commit to reading 90 books next year! (See Goodreads for confirmation.)

9. Finish all the some series. Serieses? Series'? Gah.

10. Keep having fun. Seriously. Everyone seems to be stressing out about blogging and reading these days. Why? Just...you know, have fun! And I plan to follow this advice, because I know, in fact I can guarantee that during this year, I will be wondering about what is fun and what is not. And dang it, this reading blogging thing better be one of the things that stays fun.

What are your bookish goals this year? Do we sure any of the same? Can we cheer each other on?


  1. Commenting is hard on my phone. I try to do it, but it's easy to get behind.

    1. Melissa: I could do it if I do one word responses or something.

  2. Good goals! I will join your writing group...maybe.

  3. Reading your goals makes me want to add some to my own! I really want to try to comment more this year. I read so many posts that I never get around to leaving a comment on...
    And fun is so important. It's a good reminder. :)

    1. Kathy: I do the same with posts. I read and then think I'll come comment later. Never happens.

  4. I am doing really well on the commenting lately, because I do it in the morning while I drink my coffee, but I am not sure how long I will be able to keep it up. I only do it on my computer because it is annoying on my tablet or phone. I also plan to write letters. :)

  5. Glad you added in having fun on the bottom there. I feel we get wrapped up but it should be fun all the while. I'm trying to comment more often as well, especially with memes and reviews in my Feedly. I can't imagine having to do comments on a phone.. would take me ages.

    My Top Ten Goals

  6. I read blogs while at work, I hate using my phone for anything but uploading photos to facebook and the occasional tweet. My problem is I get distracted, I mean to comment but then I get a call or have to take care of a file and forget what I was going to say.

    Yes, letter writing!! I joined the Ink Readers on Goodreads last year and it was great and everyone kept writing until summer hit. I kept sending letters out but it got sad when nothing came back. I will definitely be putting my name in on the Estella Society and the Letter Month! I love writing letters and notes to surprise and brighten someone's day.

    I so wish I was closer to you so I could join your writing club. I am too shy to try to go out on my own to find a group and none of my friends are into writing (very few are even into reading, heck my husband hasn't picked up a book in the 12 years I have known him).

    On the top of my goals this year is to get some of my TBR shelves cleared off. I have 5 shelves full of books that have yet to be read and I know I bought them for a reason, its time to save some money and read what I already own.

    1. Ang: If we have an online part to our group, do you want to join us there? I'll let you know!

  7. Great goals! I'm going to try the Letter Challenge again in February, and hope I'm able to complete the entire month this time! I may sign up over at The Estella Society too, as I really love exchanging letters. I'm working on my commenting, but fingers crossed I can keep it up! It helps that I'm not putting too much pressure on myself and just shooting for 5 comments per day.

    Glad that you mentioned having fun! Going to do my best!

  8. Awesome goals! I still have the letter you wrote me last year. I've been meaning to respond ... maybe this year??

    Happy New Year, Suey!

    1. Susan: I would totally be happy with a letter this year!

  9. I took my feed reader app off my phone because it was too hard to comment on blogs. I'd save posts, but wouldn't go back and read them.

    So this year - I want to comment a lot more on blogs too - and participate in some of the readalongs you're going to host :-)

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Tanya: Awesome! About the readalongs! Hopefully we'll end doing something you want to read! :)

  10. I think you can meet those goals.

  11. I'm currently hosting my first read-a-long (for Monuments Men) and I'd like to host more this year too. I will follow a blog just because they have great read-a-longs because they can be so much fun!

    I've read all but the last book of The Wheel of Time series but I like to re-read them all before reading a new one. Obviously, doing that and maintaining the blog could be a bit difficult, so I'm hoping to listen to them as audiobooks this year :)

    1. Katie: We should cheer each other on with the WoT thing. But no way am I going back and re-reading! Oh my word!

  12. Commenting on posts (and keeping up to date with my blog reader feed!) is definitely on my list, too. I've gotten better since a commenter on a blog said to think of it as your time to socialize. Now I'm like "hey - time to go meet some people!" LOL!

    Happy 2014! I hope you meet all your goals!

  13. These are great goals. I read about using the iphone's keyboard shortcut keys (I think it was at the Book Bloggers group on Google+) so I've set up my shortcut keys and I'm hoping that will make it easier to comment, because I do end up doing a lot of blog reading on my phone and it's been such a challenge making comments.

    I joined up at the Estella Society for the letter/postcard writing next month too. I did a bit of letter writing last year but then things got too busy, so I'm really happy to be getting back into it.

    I'd love to join your writing group if you opened it up to online members. That's the one thing I've been missing with my writing, and I think it would help me keep disciplined and accountable.

    The Wheel of Time. I am only about halfway through the series, and I always feel like I have to reread from the beginning before I can keep going because there's so much going on. So early last year I started doing a reread in audio, which was fun, but then I stopped after about book three and now I feel like I have to go back and start over again.

    1. Belle: You've made me ponder the online group thing for writing. I'll let you know! Let me know when you are to Book 8 in the WoT. That's where I stopped and where I'd like to pick up again.

  14. Love that you included "keep having fun!"

  15. Great list of goals!! I've got the series on my list as well as commenting more and hosting more read-alongs!
