Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bout of Books Updates and Other Such Stuff

So, in order to fully participate in this week long readathon, I must update you all! I'll continue to update here on this same post throughout the week, and put the new stuff at the top.

Here's what I've read so far:

Friday: I managed to get to page 225 in Prodigy this day, which meant only reading 75 pages. Stuffed happened I think.

Saturday: And if you think stuff happened in Friday... stuff REALLY happened on Saturday and I didn't have a moment to pick up my book and read at all.

Sunday: Which brings us to today, and our whole day is booked. Well, I could have read this morning for a little bit, but it's so pointless right now given all the things that are happening today, I choose to just and breathe instead. I guess we'll see. Maybe late this evening I'll actually read something.

And so that ends my Bout of Books experience. I read the second half of one book, one whole book and the first half of another. Which is about my normal weekly reading rate for the most part. I wanted to try and do more, but this past weekend has been really really crazy and so my vision for the reading week did not fully happen.

Oh, well. It was fun to try!


Wednesday: I read until 91% of Into the Still Blue and then I got too tired to properly enjoy the ending, so I waited until...

Thursday: When I quickly and easily finished in the morning. Then the day was crazy and I didn't started Prodigy until afternoon/evening, but easily read 150 pages before sleeping. Whew. What a crazy story that one is!

So I'v now finished two books (one started before this week began) and half way finished a third. Not too bad I guess. I'm thinking I might add some novellas and some graphic novels to my list and maybe read some of them this weekend. We'll see though. The weekend might end up crazy.


Monday: I finished The Eye of Minds by James Dashner, which amounted to about 150 pages, easy short pages. I'll review eventually, but that books was... not really for me. (It is very much geared to gamers specifically young boy gamers.) Until the end. And then it grabbed me and I must say I'll probably have to read the next one after all!

And then that night I started Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi. Love this world, these characters, this writing!

Tuesday: By the end of this day, I'd read 50% of my e-ARC of the above mentioned book. So far today (Wed.), I've read several more percentages. (I forgot to check, which the mark of a good book when you forget to note your progress, don't you think?) I plan to finish it today, and then on to Prodigy!

Introducing You to FANTASY!

And now I'd like to participate in a Bout of Books mini challenge, this one hosted today by Katie from Doing Dewey. She is asking us to suggest books from our favorite genre to readers who might not be too familiar with that particular genre.

As you know, I pretty much love all the genres, but if you look at my year end numbers, the fantasy genre stands out. Here's a few books I would suggest to readers who aren't so sure about this genre:

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima

Any non-fantasy fans want to try one of these books and see if you like it? It would be a fun experiment! I would be your own personal cheerleader and everything. :)

Happy Bout of Books reading everyone!


  1. The Eye of Minds sounds intriguing, the way it didn't grab you until the end and now you'll probably read the second book after all. I've read The Demon King and really enjoyed it, so will definitely check out the other books in your list!

    1. Belle: Yes, it was a strange little book that Eye of Minds! I do hope you try some of these fantasy books. Some of my favorites. :)

  2. I love your list! I'm planning to read The False Prince one of these days. :)
    And I hope you like Into the Still Blue. I really like that series and I'm so hoping the last book is just as good as the first two.

    1. Kathy: I really think you'll like it. And yes, I'm loving Into the Still Blue. These characters are some of my favorites.

  3. Great list of recommendations! I loved The Name of the Wind and Poison Study and was also recently introduced to how good Finnikin is. I haven't read the other two, but based on the first three books on your list, I'm sure I should pick the remaining two up as well :)

  4. I have been too busy to pay attention to this like I would like... :( I guess I just suck at read-a-thons in general.

  5. I don't know if I can read another Dashner book, but I enjoy video games so....

  6. The Name of the Wind is one I always say is fantasy for people who think they don't like fantasy! Poison Study is a good gateway suggestion, too! I haven't read your other recommendations, but have been meaning to try a book by Cinda Williams Chima for some time.
