Friday, November 1, 2013

Reading Recap: October 2013

Wow! I can't believe I fit in as many books this month as I did. What's up with that? Let's not expect that to happen again this next month!

Here's what I read in October:

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson: Pretty awesome dystopian where the people with super powers are the bad guys.

Fiesta of Smoke by Suzan Still: A sweeping saga of love and revolution.

Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte (re-read): The story of a governess... a bit on the boring side.

Across a Star Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund: A Scarlet Pimpernel re-telling set in the same world as For Darkness Shows the Stars.

Bellman and Black by Diane Setterfield: Creepy tale of one man's rise and fall.

Tinkers by Paul Harding: The thoughts of a dying man, flashing back to the stories of his father and grandfather.

The Pursuit of Mary Bennett by Pamela Mingle: It's Mary's turn to have a suitor! (Review to come later in November.)

Just One Year by Gayle Forman: In which we get Willem's story of what happened when he disappeared from Allyson's life in Just One Day.

Turning This Thing Around by Keith Maginn: A small memoir of the author's road to emotional recovery.

I hoped to read more for the RIP challenge, but I only managed one that I would count for that, Belllman and Black, which was a perfect creepy sort of book for the Halloween season.

Favorites of this bunch would include: Steelheart, Fiesta of Smoke, and perhaps Bellman and Black.

Plans for November:

  • Well, as you may or may not know, mostly I hope to write during November since I went crazy and signed up for Nanowrimo. And I'm not sure what to expect and if my reading will suffer a ton, a little, or not much. It remains to be seen. But if I read this is what I plan:
  • And the Mountains Echoed
  • Rose Under Fire (I thought the NetGalley download didn't work, but suddenly it's showing up now!)
  • The Eye of Minds
  • a re-read of The Schwa was Here for book club, and maybe Antsy Does Time, too. 
  • The 5th Wave
  • EarthBound
  • Days of Blood and Starlight
We'll leave it at that!

How did your reading month turn out?


  1. Good luck with NaNo! :)
    I actually really enjoyed Agnes Grey for some reason. I'm not a big fan of Jane Eyre but loved Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey.

  2. I am doing NaNoWriMo too! I am not sure how reading and writing are going to fit into one month.

    1. Pamela: Sweet! What's your name over there... let's be buddies! :)

  3. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm not participating as I have to start writing my Bachelor thesis in November. Maybe next year... ;)

  4. Wow! You did get through quite a bit this month. I did too. I read 5 books, which is totally unheard of for me.

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo.
