Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pin It and Do It: Second Half Report

You can see here what I did for the first half of the month for the Pin It and Do It Challenge.

During this second half, here's what we did:

First of all, we revisited a couple of favorites. I'm calling them the RE- Pins!

Pumpkin Yeast Bread

I love this stuff! But I forgot to take a picture of our version. Here's a picture of what's on the link above, where you'll also find the recipe.

Andes Mint Cookies

We love these at our house! They have fast become a favorite, probably because they are easy, fun and very very tasty!

We had plans to do more Halloween decorating, but this is all we managed. But it was fun!

Eyes in the Bushes

We've been wanting to do this one forever! And though you get really see them very well, they turned out pretty good! (The directions when you click the link above is not what we did however. We did make eyes in empty toilet paper rolls, but then we simple put a couple of glow sticks inside them. Easy!)

Thanks Trish for the doing the challenge again! I'd say for me it was a success!


  1. The pumpkin yeast bread looks delicious!

  2. I'm pinning the "eyes in the bushes" for next year!! Love it!! and so easy!

  3. We made the eyes last year--and Andes Mint cookies. I have got to try that.
