Thursday, August 1, 2013

Utah Book Month: What I'm Reading

It's time to start the celebration of all things bookish in Utah! We did this last year and had so much fun that we're doing it again. Check out the Utah Books blog for all the details, complete with a schedule of all we have planned. Basically, we hope to highlight some Utah authors, spotlight participating Utah book bloggers, and read and review lots of Utah books.

As for me, I'll have an author spotlight coming up next week. Also, a Utah books mini challenge and giveaway. And later in the month I'll be spotlighting one of my most favorite Utah book bloggers. Fun, yes? YES! I'm so excited to get started!

So anyway,  here's my pile of potential Utah books that I'm going to be trying to read this month:

The Breakaway by Michelle Davidson Argyle
The Third by Abel Keogh
Surrender by Elana Johnson
Seers by Heather Frost
The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson

Plus there's a few on my Kindle too:

Turning Pages by Tristi Pinkston
Witch Born by Amber Argyle
Powers of Influence by Jordan Arey
Nightengale by David Farland
Become by Ali Cross
Blackout by Robison Wells  (not sure if I'll read this now, or save until closer to its release date!)

Plus, I'm not ruling out the possibility of the library either! And those books will be a surprise!

I can't wait to get started!


  1. I cant wait to read all about the Utah authors! I enjoyed reading all the blog posts last year, and I will this year also.

  2. I might read Surrender this month. I just depends on my mood, or maybe I'll throw it in if I finish all the books on my list.

    1. Kami: My problem? I hardly remember the first book.

  3. There are so many great authors from Utah and I love that you guys do this event to celebrate them. Totally fun!

  4. I'm excited for this event! And excited to see The Breakaway on your list!

  5. I really liked Surrender. I think it was my favorite from that series, but they're all really good. :)
    And I don't think I've heard of most of the rest of those. I'll be interested to see what you think!

    1. Kathy: some of them are a bit obscure, but we'll see how it goes.

  6. What a lovely list. And, shockingly, there is zero overlap with mine. :)

  7. Fun!! I am reading both books by the author I am spotlighting! Kristen Chandler
