Friday, August 2, 2013

Utah Book Month: PARTY!

Attention all Utah bookish people!
(Bloggers, Authors, Publishers, Readers, 
Aspiring Authors, Sellers, Ex Bloggers, etc!)

We've settled on a date for our In Real Life/Face to Face party! 

It's going to be 
Saturday, September 7 at 7:00 p.m. 
at Wines Park in Lehi!
(The same place and pavilion as last year if you came.)

Bring your families, a dessert and a book to swap!

See you there!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited to come and say hi to everyone! :)

  2. What a fun idea! I would love to have more real life bookish events where we are :)

  3. So excited for this!
