Saturday, August 31, 2013

Utah Book Month Blogger Spotlight: Kami from Kami's Library Thoughts

Today, this last day of Utah Book Month, I have the great privilege of introducing to you book blogger, Kami! She blogs over at Kami's Library Thoughts and she has become one of my favorite and best book blogging buddies, both online and off.

I asked her a few questions, some of them pretty hard even, and here is what she had to say:

1. How did you get started book blogging and what's been your favorite blogging experience so far?

My life long friend, Emily from Emily's Reading Room, started a blog a few years ago. I was always tempted to start one because of my crazy reading habits, but I resisted. Emily invited me to join her and some fellow bloggers to see The Hunger Games movie at the midnight showing. I was excited and accepted. I decided to become a blogger before I met all the other bloggers, so I could say I was one of you. Turns out that I enjoy blogging about all the books I read!

My favorite blogging experience? That is tough. I love meeting all the bloggers and book enthusiasts! Utah has a wonderful literature following!

2. What is your favorite book you've read so far this year? What's been your favorite book by a Utah author you've read this year?

You can't ask a book addict something like that! I've read A LOT of books this year already, so I'll just list a few that stand out in my mind. There is Transparent by Natalie Whipple (Utah Author), Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George (Utah Author), Legend by Marie Lu, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Everneath and Everbound by Brodi Ashton (Utah Author), Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys, The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielson (Utah Author), The X-Men comics, and we'll stop there.

3. What's your best Utah author encounter you've had?

Hmmmm...another toughy! Well, I went to a writer's workshop thingy at the library where there was a bunch of Utah authors. I had Brandon Sanderson sign Mistborn for me, then I made my way over to Shannon Hale. She signed Goose Girl for me, and while she was signing, Dean Hale, who was sitting beside her of course, told me he'd sign that Brandon Sanderson book for me. I said okay and handed it over. Dean hesitated and Shannon grabbed Mistborn and said "I'll sign it!" Shannon wrote Brandon Sanderson who? and signed her name. Then Dean took my book and wrote I AM THE BEST, not Brandon Sanderson and he signed it. So my Mistborn book is signed by 3 Utah authors!

I need to get Brandon Sanderson to sign my Goose Girl now! I'm thinking of starting a Sanderson vs Hale war.

4. What would your perfect day include?

 Popcorn, nap, sushi, presents, buying out Barnes and Noble, ice cream, obtaining the Karazhan mount, meeting Robert Downey Jr., and while were at it, lets win the jackpot too.

5. But how would you actually spend a normal day in real life?

Wake up, make myself a smoothie, go to the gym, read, clean house, eat lunch, read, do some activity with gnome, read, dinner, read and/or play video game and/or watch a movie, bedtime. I might sneak a nap in there some time, if gnome decides to nap too. 

Here's a lovely picture of Kami and her family
that I lifted from her blog.... a post
about all the things she loves about Utah.
You should go read it!

6. What story would you like to read yourself into?

All of them! Okay, maybe not all. Lord of the Rings would be fun...and scary. Anne of Green Gables for sure. A Maria V. Snyder book. A Jessica Day George book. Ya know, I would happy to read myself into any book.

7. Which authors, dead or alive, would you love to have over for lunch?

J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Lloyd Alexander, Roald Dahl, Mo Willems, and everyone else. Honestly, I would love to have any author over. At least, an author who wrote a book I enjoyed. It would be awkward to serve lunch to an author who wrote a book I hated.

8. What is your favorite bookish memory?

That is a hard decision. I love all my memories that involve books. One of my favorites is my first midnight book release. My sister and brothers surprised me for my birthday by kidnapping me and taking me to dinner, and then we went to Media Play and waited in line for the 4th Harry Potter book to be released. We read the first chapter that night and camped out in someone's backyard. It was fun!

9. What "new to you" author have you discovered this year?

Carolyn Keene, Natalie Whipple, Cindy Pon, Marie Lu, Julianne Donaldson, J. Scott Savage, and a few more.

10. Favorites: 
Food: Popcorn
Band/Singer: Ben Folds
Movie: Lilo and Stitch
TV show: Depends on what I'm watching at the time
Candy bar: Snickers or Almond Joy
Place to visit: Provo Library, Barnes and Noble, Sushi Ya and and LDS Temple
Color: Blue, Black and Gray
Animal: Red Panda or Dog
Villain: How can I choose? I read too many books and comics and watch too many movies to decide. I also play a lot of video games, so this question is impossible! I really like The Joker...Mark Hamill's Joker. I really like Prince Zuko. Who doesn't love all the Disney villains? I don't know! I can't really answer this question!
Hero: This question is even worse!! I love Batman, Gambit, Han Solo, any character Robert Downey Jr. has played recently, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Valek from Poison Study, and many many many others!

Thanks so much Kami for hanging out on my blog today! 

And everyone else, be sure to go visit Kami, take my word for it, you won't be sorry!


  1. Ooh. Fun questions. It has been fun getting to know Kami better over the last year! I love the shout outs to Roald Dahl and Mo Willems. And Carolyn Keene takes me back. :)

    Nice spotlight, Suey. I lovely way to send out the month.

  2. This post is AWESOME! I totally love all the pictures you added! I might do that for future interviews. Thanks fur the spotlight and fun questions!

  3. A nice post! I didn't realize there were so many Utah book bloggers! -- Laurie C

  4. This is such a fun interview! I love the perfect day, but the regular one doesn't sound so bad, either. :) And yay for Ben Folds. I love his music.

    1. Right!? He has a song for every mood! I just wish he didn't swear so much.

  5. Kami, you and I are kindred spirits, except for the whole disagreement about Twilight thing. I love that you love Lilo & Stitch! It's totally my favorite! I love that you're wearing a Jack Skellington shirt in your picture. I <3 Jack! And, I love that you're thinking of starting a Sanders vs. Hale war. I'd be so game!
