Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Coverings

So, I'm feeling like a bit of a party pooper today because the list prompt today  from The Broke and the Bookish is all about your favorite book covers. And I can't seem to muster up anything to list.

I mean, covers are cool and all, but I just don't really care that much about them. I don't get excited when a cover for a new book is "revealed." I don't get worked up if the covers are changed. I don't get bugged if there's a really dumb cover used. I just don't care about them that much!

That being said, I may notice a cool cover and think... oh... THAT book looks good! But that was probably more back in the pre-blogging days when I'd never heard about the books before seeing them!

Anyway, instead of actually listing a list today, I just thought I'd confess my cover apathy. Maybe there's some of you out there that feel the same?


  1. This was a very disappointing Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. I couldn't come up with any either, so I just kind of chose my own topic. I'm a rebel like that :) Actually, I'm sort of apathetic, too -- I like pretty covers, but I choose books based more on their premises than their cover art, you know?

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: Yep. And I rebel quite a bit with the TTT lists. It's more fun that way!

  3. Lol - at first I wasn't going to do it either, but then changed my mind as I looked through my list of books that I had on my reading list, and decided to see what I would choose if I were basing it on the covers. The topics for TTT that I usually don't participate in - book boyfriend and girlfriend ... just not my thing.

    Tanya Patrice


    1. Tanya: And I feel like I'm in love with everyone so those lists are easy... sort of.

  4. A alone never convinces me to pick up a book...but I do care to a degree...especially if I've invested in a series and they change the cover in the middle.

    1. Melissa: That changing a cover in the middle of a series is pretty annoying.

  5. Yeah, I skipped this week's topic, sort of because I forgot and sort of because I can't think of my absolute favorites. I like certain covers, but they don't really influence my book choices either. Although, I do tend to get my panties in a twist over cover changes mid-series and covers that have nothing to do with the story or are misrepresented.

    1. Melissa: I actually thought about your cover feature with covers that have a similar theme. I enjoy that, but I could never come up with them!

  6. Covers can catch my eye and draw me to a book, but they don't deter me ... if that makes sense!
