Monday, May 20, 2013

Book Review: Transparent by Natalie Whipple

Book: Transparent by Natalie Whipple
Genre: YA Supernatural
For: Review and Supporting Local Authors
From: ARC from Edelweiss (release date May 21, 2013)

This is one of those "what if?" books. I love that.

So... what if back during the cold war in the 60s, people became especially concerned about radiation fallout. So they developed a drug to protect themselves from this radiation. And what if everyone had access to this drug and everyone took it? And what that drug caused some weird and bizarre side affects? Like mutations.

And what if that those mutations manifest themselves even worse in the second generation?

And... finally... what if one of those mutations was that you were born invisible?

Thus, the premise for this book! Yes, Fiona has this very thing happen to her! She lives in the present day world, but one that is very different from what we know. Because of the mutations, the government has lost all control and crimelord-like figures have taken control of the country, each with their own different territory.

Fiona's dad is one of these men and he has been using her and her transparent ability, all her life to his advantage. Finally, one day she has had enough and she and her mom break free.

But will they be able to stay hidden from him? Will they be able to figure out how to live a normal life? And how will the "regular mutated" kids handle her invisibility, which is a pretty much unheard of ability?

And thus we have the makings for a really exciting and unique supernatural tale! I loved it! I loved the mix of normalcy with strangeness. I loved the characters  There's an awesome family of crazy boys that will have you laughing a ton.

And yes there's two boys that interest Fiona, but don't worry, it's not really a love triangle. And I loved that. One of these boys has made it to my new favorite swoon worthy boy list! Yay! He is such a sweetheart!

Bottom line: I couldn't put it down. Really. Read it in nearly one sitting. Awesome.

Other Reviews:

I really loved this book. It caught my interest right off and I couldn't put it down. From Dark Faerie Tales

However, for me, this book was fun, lightweight, and ultimately forgettable. From Bookshelves Anonymous

I also did really like the ending climax when Fiona and her motley crew assemble to face off against her cruel father. From Bookworm1858

It gripped me from the very first page and by the end, I was on the edge of my seat. From Katie's Book Blog


  1. This sounds so fun! I was wondering about it, and I need to find a copy!

  2. I hadn't heard of this one until it came in the mail the other day. Sounds so intriguing! Now I'm really anxious to read it :)

  3. Ooh, sounds like a good one! I need to read more books that I can devour in one sitting.

  4. I really want to read this! (I love when local authors write great books) :) The description almost makes me think of the Curse Workers books, but with a different twist.
