Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Crushing Yet Again

The prompt today:

The Top Ten Characters I would crush on if I were a fictional character. 

Hmmmm.... if I were a fictional character, who would I crush on? I'm thinking the same characters I crush on when I'm not? Wouldn't it be the same? Or... maybe... since I'm "in the book" I wouldn't know stuff that I know as a reader, and that would make it different? Hmmm....

1. Well, I think Roar from the Ever Night series would definitely be one. Probably Perry too, but lately I've been thinking mostly about Roar. Something about that second book.... and I think it's something that would come across even if I, as a character myself, would easily catch. Don't you think?

2. I'm really enjoying Samm from Partials and Fragments. I'm wondering, though, would I catch his charm as a character? Not sure. Do we get a lot of his "emotion" through the narrative?  Perhaps. But I still think he would catch my eye.

3. So, right now I'm currently reading about Ed Kennedy again. (I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak) As a fictional character myself, I think I might look at him as the lazy no-good boy he sort of sees himself as. But when we are in his head, in the book, we see a whole different side. But, I'm wanting to believe that I would eventually catch on to that. I would see it soon and then there'd be much crushing going on.

4. I just finished Pivot Point by Kasie West, and I'm quite sure that I would crush on Trevor, because after all, he wears cowboy boots. He is, however, a quarterback, which would probably actually turn me off, but still...there's the boots. And dark curly hair of course.

5. I know I would be a clarinet player in the band, silently crushing on Joe from the Sky is Everywhere (by Jandy Nelson). I know it for sure.

6. Yes, I would notice Perin from the Wheel of Time, if I were in those books! Strong, silent type? Yes!

7. Gilbert! Of course Gilbert. Both as a reader and as a character. And Laurie too. The both of them, always.

8. Cricket always goes on my lists too! Fictional or reader, it doesn't matter! Lucky Lola! :)

9. How about someone from a classical book, not counting all the Austen heroes who are always a given... all of them. But other them those guys, how about.... Heathcliff! Gasp! There I said it! I would SO want to rescue him! I would be scared to death of him, and yet, I would want to rush to his side and fix everything!

10. And finally.... GEN! Dude, what's not to crush on here?

Yeah, so pretty much I crush on the same boys both in and out of the book! Ha, that doesn't even make sense, but I get it.

Do you agree with any of my boys? Who are you listing today? Be sure to link up over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. Heathcliff crossed my mind, but he is one scary dude. :) I do love the story though. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

    1. Kelley: He IS scary! But I love him anyway.

  2. I want to meet this Joe! I am a clarinet player!

    1. Kami: The Sky is Everyone! Read it! (He's actually a guitar and I think trumpet player too.) I USED to be a clarinet player! And I think the girl in the book is too.

  3. Excellent list! I agree about Cricket and even Trevor although I think you're right the whole Football thing might throw me. I have never been a fan of those type of guys =P

    Emily @ Falling For YA

    1. Emily: But... I guess football players can be nice too, right?

  4. what a great list and totally agree about Roar and Healthcliff

    1. Julie: You agree about Heathcliff? Wow! I'm usually alone in this!

  5. I didn't do TTT this week, but I do agree with you on Roar (I think he's more appealing than Perry because he's less serious), Gilbert and Laurie!

    1. Susan: Gilbert and Laurie... always on my lists!

  6. Where would one find Gen? I could figure out the others but not him.

    1. Emily: Gen, aka Eugenides, is found in Megan Whalen Turner's The Queen's Thief series. Read them!

    2. Thanks for the tip! I'll add it to my list.

  7. I'm not sure who all these characters are. Do you mean Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables or something else? And, who is Gen?

    I almost put Cricket on my list, but I love Etienne more and I didn't have room to put Cricket on there too. But, yes, I love Cricket!

    My TTT Post

    1. Jenni: I was being kind of cryptic wasn't I! Yes, Gilbert from the Anne books of course. And Gen is from The Queen's Thief series. Awesome dude.

  8. Yeah for Gen! He is totally and completely an awesome dude! :D And Gilbert too. Duh. ;P As for Roar? I haven't met him yet, but I have the first book just waiting for me to choose it off my Kindle, so.....
