Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Book Review: Spellbinding by Maya Gold

Book: Spellbinding by Maya Gold
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: ★★★★☆
For: Review
From: NetGalley

I really quite enjoyed this book, especially because it tied back to the Salem witch hunts, which is always a fascinating thing.

Our main character, Abby, is having some strange dreams and feeling some strange things. When she crosses the river from her nearby town to visit Salem, things get even weirder. Because of a school history assignment, she has learned that she had an ancestor mixed up in the Salem witch trials and she starts to wonder if there's a connection.

And... of course there is!

This book includes love potions and spells, gypsy fortune tellers, quaint tourist shops, one boy in one city and one in the other, and of course, witches, both dead and alive!

The plot itself is quite simple and the resolution is even more so. It makes me feel like this book borders on the middle grade category. And yet, some of the events are a bit intense and so that's why I think it may be more of a YA. Still, it's one of those books that could go either way.

I truly enjoyed it and it was a quick easy read. As mentioned above, I'm always up for stories that have to do with the Salem witch trials and this was a fun and engaging one.

Bottom line: I liked it a lot!

Other Reviews:

Spellbinding is like Teen Witch minus the big hair, 80's clothing and Top That! rap scene. From Cherie Reads

Spellbinding is a promising entry in the YA paranormal field, enjoyable even though it falls a little short of its potential. From The Bookwyrm's Hoard

I honestly think that this would be a great read for a younger teenager. It is a simple plot and really clean. From Dark Faerie Tales

I found myself frustrated and wanted more explanation, back history and depth. From Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer


  1. This sounds like such a fun read! I've always enjoyed teen witch stories, and the Salem witch trials tie-in sounds enticing.

  2. Interesting to have a paranormal romance/historical fiction blend!

  3. The Salem Witch Trials intrigue me too! I'll have to add this to my to-read list!
