Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books for Christmas

Most of the time I forget to keep an official wishlist going, but at this time of year, it seems a useful thing to do, yes? So I've recently made a bit of a list and here's the top ten, as requested this week from those over at The Broke and the Bookish!

Top Ten Books I Would Love for Christmas

1. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman... because I think this has been the most raved about book this year by all you bloggers, that I haven't read yet.

2. The Crimson Crown by Cinda Williams Chima... because I need this, the last book of this awesome series!

3. Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead... because this looks like an awesome Robin Hood book that I would so love to check out.

4. Poison Study by Marie V. Synder.... because I feel like I've been missing something by not having read this one yet.

5. Rampant by Diana Peterfreund... because I loved For Darkness Shows the Stars and now I want to read more by the same author.

6. Across the Universe by Beth Revis.... because it's another one I've heard raves about and feel the need to get to soon.

7. Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence... because look at that cover! I want to read it/own it for that alone!

8. Old Man's War by John Salzi... because I started it and had to take it back to the library but from what I hear, it should be a keeper and not a library book anyway.

9. Touch by Jus Accardo.... because this one just looks cool.

10. Rebel Heart by Moira Young..... because the first book was awesome and now I want the second!

Awesome reasons for wanting books, don't you think? Anyway, I guess we'll see if Santa reads my blog or not.....

What books do YOU want this year for Christmas?


  1. I haven't heard of most of these, but I hope you get some of them! I usually take care of myself for Christmas, so it's a good bet there will be at least one book under the tree for me :)

  2. I really liked Across the Universe, but loved Poison Study - so hope you get these 2 especially soon :-) And agree - that cover for Prince of Thorns - gorgeous!

    Tanya Patrice

  3. Seraphina was awesome and I can share it with you :) I loved across the universe too

  4. I want to read Seraphina too cause it has gotten so much rave! Yes, you are missing something if you haven't read Poison Study! It is awesome!

  5. I've seen Seraphina on a lot of lists as well!

    New follower

    Here's my TTT

  6. I haven't read Across the Universe either! Seraphina is good. It's slow but the main character was so interesting.

    My TTT

  7. I was going to read classics this year, but I got distracted with other must reads.

  8. Great picks! I really really want Rebel Heart too, Blood Red Road was awesome I sure hope the follow-up is just as fantastic.
    Hope you get everything on your list this year! :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  9. Hood sounds like something I would enjoy! I will have to check it out.

  10. Now is a good time to start reading the Across the universe Series. The final books comes out soon. It's very good. I hope you do get a chance to read it.

    My TTT

  11. Old Man's War and its sequels are definitely keepers! I hope Santa brings it to you this Christmas.

  12. Prince of Thorns was really good! Now to read the sequel...
