Monday, December 3, 2012

Book Review: Not Exactly a Love Story by Audrey Couloumbis

Book: Not Exactly a Love Story by Audrey Couloumbis
Genre: YA Contemporary (sort of)
For: Review 
From: NetGalley (to be published December 11, 2012)

This one caught my eye quite awhile back when I was browsing the books at NetGalley. Finally, we are getting close to its release date and I can tell you a little about it!

The thing I love most about this book is that it is set in the 70s. And also that it's from a guy's point of view. I don't know why but that is always refreshing for some reason.

So this kid is about 15 or so in the late 70s which puts him just a little tiny bit older than I was at the time. It was a great time back then and I loved revisiting it in this book!

He's having a hard time because his parents are getting divorced. Because of that, he has to move and start going to a new school. He notices and pretty much falls in love right off the bat with the girl next door. Of course, he doesn't talk to her at all.

But one day, he gets his hands on her phone number (because miracle of miracles...she has her VERY OWN PHONE!!) So he decides to call her one night, and in the midst of being all nervous and awkward  he ends up turning it into a prank phone call. (Remember those, back in the time before caller ID? )

The great thing though, is that he gets up the guts to call back, and she teases him and they talk. And this happens night after night after night. Of course, she has no idea who he is and he's not about to tell her. In fact, he begins to create a new identity for himself.

Then, they start talking by day too, and of course, she still has no idea that it's him. And then things begin to get pretty complicated and we as readers begin to wonder how he's going to solve this craziness!

I thought it was a very fun story, very nostalgic and cute and simple. My only complaint is that it did wrap up a bit too easily. But still, I think that's the kind of story this is, not overly complicated, you know?

Bottom line: I totally enjoyed every minute of it!

Other Reviews:

In a world full of books about revenge, car accidents, and post-apocalyptic challenges, it feels so right (and so refreshing!) to settle down with a genuine book about real people dealing with every day problems, bumbling around to find their own happiness. From Rather Be Reading

....and that's all the blogger reviews I could find at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. This one sounds positively cute. I could use a nice light read.
