Sunday, September 30, 2012

Currently: Bloggiesta Edition/Wrap Up

(as written on Sunday night, last day of Bloggiesta)

Listening: Hans Zimmer Pandora station... songs like Batman Begins, Lord of the Rings, Crimson Tide, Sherlock Holmes, etc. Love film scores. Love.

Eating: Pumpkin cookies, cooked and uncooked. I think I'm going to be sick.

Loving:  The fact that my email inbox is a big fat ZERO! It started out at 36,000 plus this weekend, I have gone for years without deleting things I guess. I mean,  I THOUGHT I was, but somehow, a lot (okay... a REALLY lot) got overlooked, you know. A new goal... DELETE JUNKY EMAIL!!!

Reading: I haven't read much this Bloggiesta weekend. I miss it. Usually I read a ton on the weekends. I am nearly done with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and I am going to start and FLY through Slaughterhouse Five. Yep. That's the plan.

Feeling: Tired from Bloggiesta and deleting email and sick from eating cookie dough. But quite fine other than that!

Watching: Amazing Race  And soon I'll watch Once Upon a Time (we taped it) and my sister Megs sent me this link people.... Downton Abbey season three online RIGHT HERE!!! Who's with me? Want to watch it now... or wait until January?

Wanting: To do more for Bloggiesta, but I think I've run out of steam. I did a lot (see my checked off list here) but there's so much more to do!

Needing: a nap, as always. But now, it's almost time to go to bed!

Thinking: That I will use Pocket a lot and maybe finally figure out Evernote. Thank you Bloggiesta mini challenges!

Enjoying: a nice Sunday evening. Here's to a new week!

Oh, and HEY! If you missed the last Bloggiesta chat here's what we decided:

-- the next Bloggiesta will be March 29-31, 2013
-- we may have mini Bloggiestas in January and July
-- Bloggiesta's getting its own website! 

Thanks to everyone who played along with us!


  1. Love the Bloggiesta decisions! I'm excited to see what happens! :)

    Pocket and Evernote are definitely the two favorite things I learned this weekend.

    1. PS--I'm waiting until January to watch ep1 of season 3 for DA. I don't want to have to wait until ep2, lol.

  2. Awesome! I had so much fun in my first Bloggiesta and I got a ton of stuff done! This was seriously awesome, I can't wait to participate again! :)

  3. This was my first time participating and I had a lot of fun. Bloggiesta in January? That would be awesome. The work on blog never stops, this would be a great chance to focus on it more often.

  4. Yay, more Bloggiesta! I had a great time, thanks for all the work you guys put into it.

  5. What a fantastic event, I'm so glad I played along :)

  6. What is this Downton Abbey link?? Is it legit? Oh my goodness, I think I might need to call in sick this morning and watch it. :)

  7. I am so jealous of your Season 3 of Downton Abbey!!

  8. Thanks for hosting! Not sure where to link up wrap-ups so I'll just post my link here:

  9. Thanks for all your bloggiesta work! Is there a wrap up link place?

  10. A giant thank you for hosting Bloggiesta! Although I didn't do as much as I need to on my blog I learned so much from the mini challenges. Armed with my new skills I see changes in my blog's future and I'm super excited about that. Thanks!!

  11. I made frosted pumpkin bars this weekend -- the calendar says it's Fall, even if the temperature in the Phoenix area most certainly does NOT -- and they were SO good, but too many ... yeah.

    Glad you were so productive with Bloggiesta!

  12. Hans Zimmer Pandora station--that's a great idea! yes, pumpkin this that and everywhere and it is so dangerous for me. congrats on the email inbox and another successful bloggiesta. having a site for the bloggiesta is brilliant and I hope to definitely participate next time, mini- or no.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  13. Stupid, addicting, heartburn inducing, pumpkin cookies! ;) Tis the season.

  14. Oh that damn cookie dough - it's siren call gets me every time!

    Evernote, I must admit, kind of scared me a little. I'm going to have to look at it more.

  15. I also have a problem deleting e-mails..i mean it's just sooo much work to click the little boxy thing and then click delete..i mean way too many steps here :)

  16. I didn't get much on my Bloggiesta list completed as the weekend was pretty busy, but I've created a page with my to-do list and am going to keep working on it until everything is finally crossed off! Thanks for the inspiration Suey!

  17. The Downton Abbey link is legit! I have watched the three episodes of Season 3!!! Love it!!! Wishing it was next Sunday so I could watch the next episode of both DA and Once Upon A Time!
