Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Sunday Salon: Yay for Summer! I think...

Outside my window: Bright and sunny! And hot! (Well, for me anyway.) 

I am listening to: A Disney channel show in the background. I don't even know which one. Did I ever tell you how much I hate laugh tracks? So irritating!

Song of the week: I'm sorry, but it's totally stuck in my head:

Welcome to the new (well new to me) boy band. I don't blame all the young girls going crazy about these guys one bit. :)

TV Talk: Interesting TV week this week! No new shows of course, but the old shows are just as fun! We got on a Gilmore Girl kick and have been watching all the Jess episodes... namely season 2 and 3. Jess is such an obnoxious kid! Why do we like him so much!?? He's a reader for one thing, an obnoxious kid reader. I guess that's a bit intriguing perhaps. 

Also, my sister has been catching up on Vampire Diaries and texts me randomly throughout the week her current thoughts ("Stefan is so sweet! Omigosh, I really like Damon now! Alaric is goregous! Bonnie and Jeremy? Yes." .... etc.) So now and then I'll flip it on and see what she is seeing. It's fun to revisit! 

I watched another Merlin episode too. Trying to savor those and only watch one here and there, though they are on YouTube and I'm scared they will disappear on me.

Then of course there was the beginning in of the Buffy Watch. Two episodes in to that, and many more to go!

Supernatural is also going non-stop at our house, and Lost and Prison Break are also getting a work out.

Books Finished: Last week I finished Black Heart and Destined.

Books Started:  I've got a good start on Anna Dressed in Blood and am nearing the end of Code Name Verity.
Books Up Next: About a Boy and Ready Player One.

I am thinking: That I have a family of really wimpy eaters. 

I'm grateful for: projects! I love projects. Keeps life interesting, you know?

Around the house: Yesterday I decided to be determined about fixing up a corner in my bedroom (just starting with a corner... baby steps!) So I bought frames and found some enlargements we had printed years ago but never framed, and today, I hope to hang them. When I get the corner "done" I will show all before and after pictures! Be prepared to be amazed! :) (ha!)

Pinterest of the Week: I still hope to do a wrap up post of the Pinterest Challenge, but maybe I'll leave this little weekly report on my Sunday Salon posts to motivate me to keep up the Pinterest thing. Last week I made Oreo Brownies, inspired by a Pinterest pin, but it had a bad link, so then I went searching for a good recipe and made these:

Here's what mine looked like:

They were good, but extremely messy. And so rich to the point of death... and that's coming from someone who loves rich desserts and can usually handle them just fine!

Favorite things of the week: an impromptu family bbq for Memorial Day, an outside concert on the hill, a night at the theater, last day of school, and an awards assembly where Thurl Bailey showed up to speak!

Utah Book Bloggers: It seems like many of you that signed up to participate have not yet filled out the form to say more specifically what you want to do. Some of you may have been assigned an author to interview already, and the blogger assignments are coming soon. Be sure let us know if you have questions!

Family Matters: All kids are now out of school, one is still hoping to find a job, it's being very very hard. One is wondering what she'll do with herself all summer. I hope she reads a ton of books!

The coming week: At the end of this week it's our city's summerfest celebration. We'll be going to the parade and fireworks for sure. I will also be helping at work to get the library ready for their booth and other things they will be participating in.

It felt like there were tons more things I wanted to report on, but I've forgotten them all now. Oh, well.


  1. Ah to be able to experience TVDs for the first time again.

    Sheesh! Just when I get all strict on my diet again you post that brownies picture! Ahhhh!

  2. I found a similar brownie recipe on Pinterest. Does yours have chocolate chip cookie dough mix on the bottom? Instead of using regular oreos I used mint ones...I loved it that way, but my husband doesn't like mint oreos so it wasn't such a hit with him.

  3. Those brownies look amazing! I watched series 1-4 on Gilmore Girls recently, the early ones are some of my favourites. :)

  4. I'm doing the exact same thing with Merlin, I only have three episodes left of season four and I don't want to finish it because I now that I won't be able to watch any new episodes until next fall. I also read your Buffy watch post and I really enjoyed it so I hope you'll continuie it.
