Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Utah Book Month Sign Ups

Awhile back, a few of us Utah book bloggers decided it was time to try having another Utah Book Month, and we've finally figured out the details and are now asking for participants!

The details:

  • promote Utah authors, bloggers and books during the month of August by.....
  • reading and reviewing books written by Utah authors
  • interviewing and highlighting Utah authors
  • having Utah book bloggers interview and highlight each other
  • giving away Utah books
  • hosting mini challenges about Utah books and authors
We are so excited! This is going to be a blast! If it sounds like something you'd like to participate in, please fill out the form below and let us know what you'd like to do. (Blogger interviews will be just for Utah book bloggers, but everything else is open to everyone!) Also, be sure to follow our new Twitter account where we'll be keeping you informed of all that's going on.... @UtahBooks and #UtahBooks

If you aren't familiar with Utah authors, click here for a very small sample of some that happen to be on my list. If  there's a book there you'd like to read, join us! There's also a Goodreads list of Utah authors for even more ideas.

Sign ups will be open until the night of May 21, after which we'll take that info and put it all together, matching you up with authors and/or bloggers. You may see this form on several blogs, (Squeaky Books, Emily's Reading Room, The Reading Fever and The Bluestocking Society) but remember you only have to sign up once. 

Any other questions? Ask away! And thanks for joining us for the fun!



  1. Replies
    1. Ann: Hopefully it will turn out like we envision.

  2. There! I signed up. And on the first day no less. ;)

  3. I would love to participate this year, but I"m not exactly sure how much time I'll have to commit. So is it better to sign up and then possibly have to cancel, or not sign up and then try to participate if you guys have an opening?
