Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Bunch of Random Mini Rants

I was going to post a review today but have too much jumbling around in my head so I'm doing one of those funky rambly posts that are fun to do and which I haven't done in awhile. (Unless you count the Sunday posts which are a different sort of ramble thing.)

So here's what I'm thinking today (much of which is spawned by Twitter, for those of you who wonder what the purpose of Twitter is... it's for spawning weird thinkings) and most (all?) of which are little mini rants, so be warned:

** All this talk of a book called 50 Shades of Grey is creeping me out. I hear it's a pretty, shall we say, graphic and racy book. I don't get the appeal. Everyone (okay, nearly everyone) moans about certain other badly written romance books with abusive guys, but they love this one? I'm so confused here. Yeah, I won't be reading this one and I wish I'd stop hearing about it. Plus, it sorta makes me sad that Ian Somerhalder will be playing this dude in the movie.

** BEA is coming up and when I look at the calendar it is actually on a week that I maybe might could have probably actually gone! BUT, the more I think about it, the more I feel that it's a club to which I just don't belong and wouldn't fit in. I don't know. Maybe some day I'll go and test out that theory. But I get the feeling that I just don't have the coolness factor and the blogging biggness needed for such an event. However, I do love Armchair BEA and plan to participate! Sign ups going on now for that so do come join in if you find yourself sitting at home wondering what it would be like to play with the popular people!

** Speaking of clubs... I still wonder how bloggers fit into the whole writing conference thing. There was one that just happened locally which I heard a lot about which I would also feel weird attending, only being a blogger writer. Though it sounded awesome and I know I would have loved it. Okay, fine, so it appears I have some identity crisis issues, yes? :) And so what else is new? Suggestions for me? Suck it up and get over it?

** All the memories everyone was Tweeting (and emailing at work too) about Maurice Sendek and his books yesterday was making me weepy! I don't have any particular memories beyond the fact that I've loved Where the Wild Things Are since I can remember. Oh, and the Pierre... I don't care.... book too. The others I'm not so familiar with. But yeah, he knew how to do it, and so I add my thoughts to the realm.

** Another frustrating thing that makes me sad.... the fact that I love to promote the Utah authors yet can't seem to get myself on their publishers' lists. I get lots of emails now (I think that's been bumped up because of Bloggiesta) about weird random books that I have no interest in, yet nothing from the local authors (the big ones I'm talking here) and their new and upcoming books. Except Brandon Mull, I think I'm on his list. Which is funny because his aren't my favorite! Figures. Anyway, it just makes me sad, you know?

** Here's something I saw today, "Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but gets you no where." I'm pretty much worrying all the time, like seriously, ALL THE TIME! There's truly so much to worry about! I do wish I could stop, but in the end, I guess I enjoy rocking.

My kids, twenty years ago.
** We've been watching old home movies lately. Our life at 20 years ago. I miss it. And I know that in 20 years from now if we watch movies from today, I'll think the same thing about today. Yes? So, there's something to think about.

** I just have to thank Trish and her Pinterest challenge. It caused me to go putter in my "craft" room yesterday and dig out some old projects that maybe... just maybe... I'll try to finish this summer. And maybe... just maybe... I'll get a crafty sort of bug going again and I know if I do, everything will be good.

** So I added Instragram to my phone. Now I'm wondering what's next? I follow you all and see your pictures? I  tweet more pictures? Do you all really truly like that sort of thing? It doesn't bore you silly?

Wow, I should feel better now, don't you think? I swear ranting is a necessary evil. If you listened/read... I thank you!

Now, I'm off to be productive in a different sort of way!

P.S. Where can I find pink/red m and m's when it's no where near Valentines Day?


  1. Love that rocking chair quote! But I guess worrying goes with being women, it's in our blood :-)

    1. Parole: yeah, I guess so, because I can tell you it's not going to stop anytime soon!

  2. I have the same question about writing conferences! I don't have a finished manuscript, so is it necessary to go anyways? And for the m&m thing...I swear there is a company online that can custom make m&m's for you. I'm not TOO sure, but I think they are out there!

    1. Nicole: If you are writing something, finished or not, GO! :) As for the m and m's, I don't want them THAT bad! :)

  3. So sad about Maurice Sendak. He had a great gift. This will make his already difficult to find books (other than Where the Wild Things Are) even harder to find. They are brilliant, and it's like digging for fossils to locate them.

    1. Bookish: They are that hard to find? Sad.

  4. I'm with you, I'm all about Arm Chair BEA. I feel a bit of envy when I read about everyone's excitement, but its just not going to happen for me.

    I need to get going on the Pinterest Challenge. I've only completed one and I didn't even get a picture. Ugh!

    1. Teresa: Ah, I am having so much fun with the Pinterest challenge that I'm starting to worry for my sanity. Sheesh.

  5. Im sorry you're worrying so much. :( It's not fun! Hmmm, I wonder what it sys about me that now I want to read 50 Shades Of Gray. ;)

    1. Jenny: I'm hearing that book is very high in the abusive factor. Still want to read it? Yucky. :)

  6. Ah, I have the worry gene too. And I don't think I'll ever get to BEA. BUT, I'm finally headed to an ALA conference - and now I'm worrying I will be doing it entirely alone and it will be sad and depressing for me. Good rants!

    1. Melissa: Oh, I bet you'll go to BEA some year! But ALA sounds fun too. You'll find a buddy there I'm sure!

  7. I love this post - mostly because my brain does EXACTLY THE SAME THING! lol it's good to know I'm not alone. I've never participated in Armchair BEA before, so I'm a little nervous about it... but I've decided this will be the year to participate in events I'm nervous about! I did okay at Bloggiesta, at least, right? =P

    Unfortunately, I think the club mentality is true of a lot of aspects of life. I even feel it a little while going around and commenting - sometimes it's like so many bloggers have such close relationships with their fellow bloggers, while a lot of the people I have/had relationships with have either stopped blogging or gone on hiatus. I'm sure it's not true, but when I see a post with TONS of comments on it, it feels a little daunting, like I'd be butting in where I'm not wanted. I guess the point of all that rambling is that we always think someone else is in this "club" we can't get into, but it's (most of the time) never true!

    1. Anne: Armchair BEA is really fun and there's nothing to be nervous about! Yes, you did awesome at Bloggiesta! :) And I hear you on the commenting thing too... and why DOES our brains do this to us anyway? I wish it would just stop already. :)

  8. I don't get the Shades of Gray hype either. There are tons of romance/erotic novels out there and suddenly this one bursts onto the scene. I think this person has a friend in the publicist biz because I don't see how it could be that different! And nope, not going to read it. I just picked up a romance type book last night on a whim and I was like "what the heck is this silliness". The lines just make me giggle!

  9. I read the first 50 Shades of Gray book before all the hype hit (it was a book club choice) and I still don't get what all the hype is about it!

    I hear you on the blogginess cool group! I tend to find myself on the edges of groups, or at least that is where I see myself.

    1. Marg: So, did you enjoy that book? Did the book club enjoy it? Just curious...I think. :)

    2. The vast majority of the club didn't just enjoy that book, they LOVED it, and they are still talking about it months later constantly!

      There were a couple of nay-sayers, which included me. I just don't get it. It's not well written, it's not even that hot for want of another word.

  10. Love the picture of your children. Precious times. I don't get the Shades of Gray interest either. If you write, do attend a conference, you get to meet interesting people, hear how authors "made it" and get some great writing tips.

    1. Ann: I know that conferences are wonderful... even if you don't really write.

  11. Oh, Suey, you make me laugh! I love your personality and I say, if BEA isn't your scene, then BEA isn't your scene. Whatever. If you do ever go, we should totally go together -- then we could make our own club if we don't fit in :)

    On writing conferences ... I started going to LDS Storymakers for two reasons: to network/promote my blog and because I do actually have aspirations of writing a novel. If the latter weren't true, I probably wouldn't go because, even though it's fun to meet new people and hang out with other book lovers, writing conferences also require a big time/money investment. If you do have a desire to write, though, conferences are helpful and lots of fun.

    1. Susan: Yes, if I do end up at BEA you can bet I will be dragging/making/forcing many people to go with me! So... about the conference, would you feel weird there if you DIDN'T have aspirations for writing a novel? Like if you just wanted to go to hang out?

  12. I am SO sick of 50 Shades of Grey too!! UGH!!

    I'm not a huge Brandon Mull fan either. His books just don't hold my interest.

    Good luck finding your m and ms

    1. Kami: I'm going out today to see if you can get pink m and m's at this time of year. So thanks for your luck. If I am not successful, I will have to alter my mother's day creative adventure plans!

  13. I'm so with you on 50 Shades. I'm sick of hearing about it and I don't want to read it. I use Instgram, but not to follow others, just to use the filters on my photos.

    1. Melissa: I hope to figure out and use Instagram... it may take awhile.

  14. I don't get the appeal for Shades of Grey either. When I first heard about it, I had no idea that it was erotica. Someone just said that she thought Matt Bomer would make a good Christopher Grey. So, of course that got my interest piqued. Then, I found out what it was about and how graphic it was and I stopped caring.

    I love Instragram. I love looking at people's pictures. I think it's fun. I don't take a lot because I forget, but I love it. I hope you keep using it! I don't think it's boring at all.

    1. Jenni: Yep, lets hope the 50 Shades thing blows over soon. Gah.

  15. Pfft, pfft - nonsense - you fit in! You should come to BEA with Angie and I!

    1. Holly: You're going? Awesome! Ah, I'm jealous even if the whole thing makes me nervous. Maybe some year I WILL go with you guys! :)

  16. Whaaaat? They're turning 50 Shades of Grey into a movie? That makes me sad. Isn't that going to be

    - Jackie
