Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Sunday Salon: I Crafted Stuff!

Outside my window: It's dark on a Saturday night. And quite chilly I must say. But it'll be perfect sleeping temperature. I just hope to sleep. Sleep is not easy to come by lately it seems. 

 I am listening to: nothing at the moment except for a Jazz game in the background

Song of the week: I've been obsessed with the Someone I Used to Know song all week.If you haven't heard (and seen) this cover of it though, here it is. (I know I'm late to the party here, but maybe there's a few of you that are even later than me!)

TV Talk: Just caught up on  American Idol and Survivor. American Idol is just meh as I've been saying. I do like Philip now though.... ish. And I was glad to see Kat go on Survivor. She's only 22? Wow. Vampire Diaries was quite shocking this past week. When's the finale on that one? I'm sad to see it almost over for the season. But I am getting excited to start watching Falling Skies again. Tomorrow is The Amazing Race finale. Yay.

Books Finished: This week I finished Precious Bane... early for book club! Wow. I need to see if any book clubbers need to borrow it now.

Books Started: YAY! I finally started The Wise Man's Fear... here's hoping tomorrow I can knock off lots and lots of its pages!

Books Up Next: You know, I'm just not sure what'll be next. Strange feeling.

I am thinking: wow, has it been a month already since our Arizona adventure? Yeah that was fun, I want to do something like that again please.

I'm grateful for: really really cold ice water. 

Around the house: Our chair is broken... very very broken. It's time for a new one for sure.

Pinterest of the Week: Because I signed up for the Pinterest Challenge, I thought I'd report here some progress, though there will be "real" posts too. So, we are going to make this casserole for dinner tomorrow. And today we started in on the journal calendar that several of us fell in love with. (I blame Kailana for that one in particular though.) And that has been fun. Also, I bought some quilt scraps and plan to make a disappearing nine patch wall hanging from that. I played a bit with that today too. So, it's been a crafty-ish sort of day! So fun. Can't wait to make a quilty thing again. 

Favorite things of the week: There were lots of awesome things this past week. Seeing Rick Riordan was fun, getting Utah Bloggers organized (at least started) was fun (see our new Twitter here!), chit chatting with Jenny, Susan, Robin and Heidi was fun, seeing The Avengers was fun, going for a walk in the canyon was fun, crafting with the girls today was fun, having an impromptu picnic today was also fun. Lots of nice things this week. 

Utah Book Bloggers: So maybe I'll add a section here to report this sort of stuff each week. We'll try it and see. So here's the thing. we want to have what we've decided to call Utah Book Month in August. The idea is to promote authors, bloggers and books from Utah. We have lots of fun things planned, so stay tuned for more details that will hopefully be coming up next week. If you aren't from Utah, there are ways for you to participate also... if you want! Yay! :)

Least favorite thing: I ate a lot of crap this week. And I tried to get back into the exercise routine, but failed. And my hair is bugging me. Yes, that's probably my least favorite thing of the week for sure!

Family Matters: The big college daughter has been going to a high school prom tonight! They went with her boyfriend's little sister and participated in all the stuff except the actual dance. Too funny, yes? The big college son helped his girlfriend sell her car. That was quite the exciting evening around here. The 17 year son played in a tennis tournament today (Regionals) and took 2nd place and is now going on to State. How cool is that?  And the youngest got to go to see her favorite author with me!

The coming week: Ummm... so what IS happening this next week? Mother's Day on Sunday. You know what I want for Mother's Day? A center speaker and a sub woofer speaker for my TV. No kidding. Once and for all, I'd like to set up the surround sound correctly. 

And now, I'm going to go read. Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. The journal calendar is such a fantastic idea - a unique way to create memories for sure. And woohoo - your son totally rocked out that tennis tournament.

    1. Tanya: We've been having a blast making our calendars this week. Stay tuned for a post with pictures later this week.

  2. Every time I hear that song, I think it's sung by The Police. I love The Police.

    1. Emily: Ah, yes, they do kinda sound Police-y. I love The Police too. :)

  3. TVDs season finale is this week. I can't believe it's over already! I love what you want for mothers day. :)

    1. Jenny: Yes, I finally saw something that said what's going on with TVD. Sadness. I think I'll have to buy my own speakers. We'll see.

  4. Hey! Gotta love comments like this!Blargh!

  5. I'm later to the party than you. I hadn't seen the video nor heard the song. thanks for the share.

    that is a cool journal idea.

    congrats to your son going to State!


    1. L: I'm looking forward to showing everyone how we modified this journal idea. We changed it up quite a bit!

  6. It was lots of fun to see you again and to meet Jenny. I'm still kicking myself for not taking any pictures. I must have been really, really tired that night.

    I ate a bunch of junk this week, too. Yummy junk, though, especially your chocolate chip cookies. Recipe, please!

    1. Susan: I know! I didn't even think of pictures! Glad to hear you enjoyed the cookies. :)

  7. Congrats to your son! My oldest was a swimmer so I know how exciting it is to watch your kid compete at the state level.

    You're much more ambitious than I am on the Pinterest challenge! I'm trying quite a lot of things but nothing that's too time consuming. Plus most of it will be food and we have to eat anyway, right? It hardly seems fair to count a recipe I try against a quilt you make!

    Have you watched any of The Voice? It was finals tonight and all four of the finalists were just incredible. Their talent just dwarfs the AI finalists. Maybe it's because all of them are older, not sure.

    1. Lisa: Well, it remains to be seen if the quilt actually happens. I'm pretty hoping though! And no, I've never gotten into The Voice yet, but I'm sure hearing a lot of things about it this season.

  8. You made a journal calendar, too? YAY!!! I am so excited that so many people are participating. I enjoy coming up with things for mine each night.

    Also, yay, for Walk off the Earth!
