Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Sunday Salon: Non-Readathon

Saturday night here. It’s been a day. Crazy in the beginning, lazy in the end, and kids going here and there and everywhere.

Outside my window: Wow… what a gorgeous day it was today! And I have one kid who went swimming outside at the very height of the beautifulness and she SWEARS she put on sunscreen. Yeah, and now we’ll see how fun the next few days are!

 I am listening to: Nothing at the moment, except the breeze through the window and the bird who suddenly decided to sing his head off.

Song of the week: Lazarus by Porcupine Tree… it’s such a pretty sounding song. I have no idea what he’s singing about though.

TV Talk: Ah, I’m so anxious to catch up on Vampire Diaries! And what’s with voting Colton out in American Idol people? WHAT WHAT I say? That was so so sad. What a dude. Survivor is frustrating, so very frustrating. Someone needs some guts over there! I watched a ton of Merlin episodes this week. and one Dr. Who. Fun stuff as always!

Books Finished: I did NOT finish Watership Down, I just don’t have the patience for that one right now. So I created, for the first time, a DNF shelf on Goodreads just for it.. and Path of Daggers of course. Sad sad day. But I did finish Return to Exile and reviewed it here.
Books Started: I started The House at Tyneford and am LOVING it! Sheesh, now THIS is what I needed!
Books Up Next: I will continue on with Before I Go to Sleep, which was also started last week while on the trip. Then I need to read next book clubs book kinda fast this month so someone can borrow the book… Precious Bane. After that, I don’t know what’s up next!

I am thinking: That it was sad to not participate in the Readathon today, but oddly nice too. I did read all afternoon, so that was good, but it was nice not to stress about it too. I hope you all had fun… those that read all day!

I'm grateful for: My grandma and all she has taught me and the fun we’ve had all these years! We had a fun party with her, but she didn’t have much clue what was going on.

Around the house: We had a college kid move back home this weekend, and she’s organized her room pretty good, but has sort of displaced the kitchen a bit. We need to re-organize that now.

Recipe of the Week: I made bought carrot cake for book club to celebrate the bunnies of Watership Down! :)

Favorite things of the week: the rain at the first of the week, and the sunshine at the end… I enjoyed them both! Book club was a nice thing about this week too. We had such fun jabbering away! Seeing some cousins I haven’t seen in forever was kinda cool also. AND, also, I got tickets to see Rick Riordan! Yep. Awesome.

Least favorite thing: oh… getting sick on Tuesday and Wednesday was NOT fun at all! Where did that come from I say?

Family Matters: One kid back home as mentioned, one kid with a sunburned back as mentioned, one kid just now finally getting over jet lag, and one kid who locked his keys in his car trunk, but we luckily had an extra key!

The coming week: Um… you know. I think it’s going to be a really quiet week. Here’s hoping!

Blog Report: The blog tour, the trip report, pondering time, listing blogger tips, and thinking about one cool character!


  1. I didn't participate in the challenge, but it looked like fun, so maybe I'll try it when it rolls around next October. Have a great week - it will be quiet with the kids home - wishful thinking :-)


    1. Tanya: yes, I hope to participate next time too. Maybe just once a year is enough for me? I don't know.

  2. I skipped the read-a-thon as well, as I have a terrible track record with those. Actually get more reading done than if I participate for some strange reason. Love the kid locking his keys in the trunk! Been there, done that! I actually did that at the grocery store once, with frozen food in the trunk. Thank goodness for spares! Here's to a great week!

    1. Alexia: LOL on the trunk thing. I'm anxious to get the spare key back from him in case it happens again too soon!

  3. So, I did my first ever Sunday Salon today. I used your format (exactly) because I wasn't sure what the "official" format was. Hopefully, that's okay :)

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Susan: Awesome! There's no official format for a sunday salon, it's just whatever you want to talk about! I started doing this journal post thing a year or so ago and have just stuck with it.

  4. I can't wait for you to watch TVDs! Let me know when you do so we can gush!

    I want to read The House at Tyneford. I've seen it popping up and it looks good.

    I hope your week is calmer and quieter.

  5. You must have had all of the nice weather as ours was cloudy and cold. Freeze warnings last night and again tonight. Yikes!

    Here's to a nice quiet week for you!
