Monday, April 2, 2012

Bloggiesta: My Recap


What a weekend! What a blast! I'm so glad we had so many participate in Bloggiesta! It was fun, was it not? I was able to visit a lot of people on Friday, work on my own blog a lot on Saturday, and then Sunday was a bust. I was pretty much away from the computer except for the morning chat, so that was sad, but still. I think I got some stuff done.

Here are my final Bloggista thoughts:

  • Thank you to Jenni Elyse for giving me her code for my social media icons, which I just love. All I had to do was plug in my own link,  and paste the code. Now THAT I can handle! I think this is my most favorite thing I did on my blog this weekend. It's small, but it makes me happy.
  • THREE Twitter chats, with bloggers all over the world! How cool is that??? Two I led (ish... they sort of lead themselves) and one Danielle led and I was there as myself. But that was really fun and we got lots of ideas for challenges for next Bloggiesta. I think the three days and the three times went over well... I hope.
  • I think I added most of the participants to my Twitter follow list... that's  A LOT! (If I didn't add you and you want to be, you know where to find me! @SueySays) Twitter is a big part of the whole Bloggiesta experience, yes. I think it wouldn't work without it.
  • Natasha, Bloggiesta's creator, joined in here and there too! Did you see her? Did you say hi? 
  • I never did get to Google Reader or labels. I started trying to delete old email, but it freaks out the computer and I lose patience and then we both quit.
  • I think I say this every Bloggiesta, but computering so very much does make my eyes burn and my shoulder/back/neck ache! 
  • I've really missed reading this weekend... and the whole busy week before. I really miss it! I hope I can get back into it, but I still feel like I need to regroup and clean the house or something before I can relax and read.
  • Making new bloggy friend connections is always fun, and it will be interesting to see which of the new "faces" I've met this past weekend stick around. Know what I mean? Will it be YOU? :) I hope so!
  • Can I just say, the mini challenges and their hosts were AWESOME? I was totally blown away by them! Thank one and all for such a good job!
  • Hosting has been fun and I can't wait to do it again in September (28-30)! And Danielle is the best hosting partner too! Wahoo! See you then! (Well, as I said above, I hope to see many of you around before then, but you know what I mean!

Bottom line: It was fun!


  1. I'm glad you were able to get stuff done on Friday and Saturday. Sorry Sunday was a bust for you.

    I'm so glad you like the social media buttons! They look great in your sidebar. :)

  2. I'm so impressed you co-hosted this whole thing. It was way bigger and impressive than I thought. Now after your crazy week I hope you can just relax and get some reading done.

  3. The Social Media buttons are really cute. Thanks again for all your hard work.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. yes, it was totally fun.. getting my social media icons done was one of the best things for me too..Thank you!
    glad was able to finish bloggiesta before other things took over today and for the rest of the week!!waiting for sept..

  6. I cannot even begin to imagine how much work it must be to organize and host this event and so I tip my hat off to you and Danielle. I'm so glad you have agreed to host this - I had done 2 Bloggiestas when Natasha did them and then when she stopped I was devastated. I find these events to be so helpful, productive and fun! So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  7. It was fun indeed! Thank you so much for hosting this :D

  8. I always, always manage to catch Bloggiesta when it's over, but I still manage to catch it! I read through the blogs that have participated and learn so much! Thanks so much for doing this! I think sometimes we get so involved in the books and the networking that we forget about the 'housekeeping'. Thanks!!

  9. Suey, thanks again for hosting Bloggiesta! I had a lot of fun this weekend even if I wasn't able to accomplish everything that I set out to do.

  10. Again, my congratulations goes to you and Danielle for such a successful event. I can see that until now, there are more finish-line-round-up posts being submitted. How awesome is that. Will try to visit more often. :)
