Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I Blog Meme

A few months ago I saw this meme making a bit of a come back.... specifically I remember seeing jt over at Trish's from Love Laughter and a Touch of Insanity. So I nabbed the questions and decided it would be a perfect blogiversary type post... to ponder on this blogging hobby... so here are my general blogging thoughts.

1.  How long have you been blogging?

This week marks five years blogging here at It's All About Books. But I actually started blogging more than a year before that when Yahoo 360 was a thing, and I loved doing personal type essays over there. But I got frustrated when I wanted to talk books and no one talked back. Then... 360 died anyway, so....

2.  Why did you start blogging?

I was a member of several online book clubs... Yahoo groups mostly, and they started talking about reading challenges and posting them to your blog and on and on, and so I thought, dang, I really should have a blog that's "all about books" and so, after pondering the idea for a long long time, I decided what the heck and went for it.

3.  What have you found to be the benefits of blogging?

I love the creative outlet that blogging provides. It's just simply a way to put thoughts to words and share them... which makes me feel happy. I love the interaction with so many other book fans. I love how author stalking has become a true hobby since I've started blogging. I love discussing books with people. 

4.  How many times a week do you post an entry?

Every day, except I skip Friday and Saturday sometimes. If I feel there's a lot going on, I will post twice in a day. 

5.  How many different blogs do you read on a regular basis?

Are you kidding me? I have no idea what the number is. Hundreds of book blogs. Tens of family blogs.

6.  Do you comment on other people’s blogs?

Of course! Why blog if you don't comment? However, that being said, I've been really lousy at it in recent months. But I do go in spurts, and there are moments of commenting blitzes!

7.  Do you keep track of how many visitors you have?  Is so, are you satisfied with your numbers?

Yes, I mean, I keep track a little. Google Analytics can be a fascinating thing to look over now and then. Then Blogger added a stats page awhile back and it's fun to see what it's saying (the two of them rarely agree by the way, so who knows how many visitors I really have!) Yes, I like my numbers. They are good enough that I know there are readers out there, but not so high that I feel pressure or panic or whatever bloggers feels when they have a huge audience to please! I like seeing the numbers growing, and this year, they've grown quite a bit. I think it's because I've put myself out there a little more. Yeah, that only took five years!

8.  Do you ever regret a post that you wrote?

No, not really. Sometimes I get embarrassed if I've been too personal... or too fan girly, or something, but I don't really regret it. Those posts make the blog real, right? And you truly have the real me here, and I'm good with that. So if I gush about certain authors or singers, or books or events,  it's because you let me and I have fun doing it! 

9.  Do you think your audience has a true sense of who you are based on your blog?

As I said above, most definitely yes. Except I'm much shyer and less talkative in person. Well, depending on the people I'm with I suppose. But that's probably true for us all. 

10.  Do you blog under your real name?

Suey is my real nickname, one I've had since college (and I'm old so that was a long time ago) I never really liked it all that much, but now I've totally embraced it and I enjoy that it's weird and different and hopefully memorable.

11.  Are there topics that you would never blog about?

Yeah, I'd rather stay away from religion and politics for the most part. And though I blog about my family, I don't think you'll see a lot of detail about them here either.

12.  What is the theme/topic of your blog?

LOL... well.... how about "It's All About Books and life's other adventures too!" :) My theme is books and reading with a lot of personal ruminations thrown in.

13.  Do you have more than one blog?  If so, why?

Nope. That would make me crazy. That's probably why even though this blog started out as "all about books" it has now morphed into a discussion of so many other things I enjoy. I'll just add whatever I'm thinking about, loving or experiencing to this here blog, books or not books. When I first started it, I still had my other blog, until 360 died, then I tried blogging at Multiply for awhile, but found I was having much more fun here, and so I stopped with the other and concentrated all efforts here. 

Questions originated from this blog back a few years ago.

Feel free to answer the questions on your own blog! 


  1. I love your answers! I haven't done this meme before, so maybe I'll save it for a rainy day too. Or possibly my anniversary, since I keep forgetting to mention it until it's over! Congratulations for blogging for 5 years, Suey! You know you are always enjoyable to come to read, and you have fun things to say :-) blogging is about our life and books, isn't it? or at least I've found it to be like that for me, too.

  2. I've never seen this meme before, but it's great. And, like you, I think it's perfect for a blogoversary post. :)

    Your answers are fantastic. It's fun to see how you started out in the beginning since I wasn't a follower/reader back then.

    1. It's quite an old one, and reappears now and then. Glad you enjoyed!

  3. Having more than one blog would freak me out too! I don't know how people do it.

    1. I find all of "life's adventures" can be blogged about in one place! :)

  4. I think you do a really good job of balancing being personal without sharing too much that is personal. If you know what I mean.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you!!! I'm having fun thinking back on the years!

  6. Loved your answers to these questions!

    Your last answer startled me a little! I do blog in a couple of places, but one of them is a group blog so not all me! I guess that makes me only partly crazy! Or at least that is what I am going to tell myself.

    1. Marg... LOL! It would only make ME crazy... not you! :) Actually now that you say it, I do blog now and then on a private family group blog...but I guess I don't really count that.

  7. 5 years! That is so awesome!!! congratulations!

  8. I'm so glad that you did this survey--it's so fun to learn more about the bloggers that we've "known" for years. Congratulations on five years!! It sounds like we both got started the same way--through Yahoo Book Clubs. Wendy from Caribousmom was the first blog I discovered when she'd link her monthly roundups. crazy to think how much has changed in five years and amazing to think where blogging will go in five more.

    And I actually didn't realize Suey was a nickname until you were asking about business cards the other day! It's definitely memorable! While I was always the only Trish growing up, it's been a bit confusing in the blogosphere at times. ;)

    Again, happy five years.

    1. Trish: Really? You think my parents would name be Suey? LOL... makes me laugh. Yes, most definitely a nickname!
